MBCS Fortran Equivalent Routines

The NLS Library provides several functions that are the exact equivalents of Fortran 90 functions except that the MBCS equivalents allow character strings to contain multibyte characters. These routines are summarized in the following table.

MBCS Fortran Equivalent Routines

Name Procedure Type Description
MBINCHARQQ Function Same as INCHARQQ but can read a single multibyte character at once and returns the number of bytes read
MBINDEX Function Same as INDEX except that multibyte characters can be included in its arguments
MBLGE, MBLGT, MBLLE, MBLLT, MBLEQ, MBLNE Functions Same as LGE, LGT, LLE, LLT and the operators .EQ. and .NE. except that multibyte characters can be included in their arguments
MBSCAN Function Same as SCAN except that multibyte characters can be included in its arguments
MBVERIFY Function Same as VERIFY except that multibyte characters can be included in its arguments

The following example is included in Visual Fortran Samples in the ...\DF98\SAMPLES\TUTORIAL folder as MBCOMP.FOR:


    INTEGER(4) i, len(7), infotype(7)
    CHARACTER(10) str(7)
    LOGICAL(4) log4

    data infotype / NLS$LI_SDAYNAME1, NLS$LI_SDAYNAME2, &
    WRITE(*,*) 'NLSGetLocaleInfo'
    WRITE(*,*) '----------------'
    WRITE(*,*) ' '
    WRITE(*,*) 'Getting the names of the days of the week...'

    DO i = 1, 7
       len(i) = NLSGetLocaleInfo(infotype(i), str(i))
       WRITE(*, 11) 'len/str/hex = ', len(i), str(i), str(i)
    END DO
 11 FORMAT (1X, A, I2, 2X, A10, 2X, '[', Z20, ']')

    WRITE(*,*) ' '
    WRITE(*,*) 'Lexically comparing the names of the days...'

    DO i = 1, 6
       log4 = MBLGE(str(i), str(i+1), NLS$IgnoreCase)
       WRITE(*, 12) 'Is day ', i, ' GT day ', i+1, '? Answer = ', log4
    END DO
 12 FORMAT (1X, A, I1, A, I1, A, L1)

    WRITE(*,*) ' '
    WRITE(*,*) 'Done.'

This code produces the following output when the locale is Japan: