BSCMAKE Messages BK1500 through BK4503

The following descriptions cover BSCMAKE Error BK1500 through Warning BK4503:

BSCMAKE Error BK1500
BSCMAKE detected an unknown error condition. Note the circumstances of the error, try to isolate the problem and create a reproducible test case, then report the circumstances to technical support.

BSCMAKE Error BK1501
unknown character 'character' in option 'option'

BSCMAKE did not recognize the given character specified for the given option.

BSCMAKE Error BK1502
incomplete specification for option 'option'

The given option did not contain the correct syntax.

BSCMAKE Error BK1503
cannot write to file 'filename' [: reason]

BSCMAKE could not write to the given file. This message may be followed by a reason from the operating system, giving additional information. One of the following may have occurred:

BSCMAKE Error BK1504
cannot position in file 'filename' [: reason]

BSCMAKE could not move to a location in the given file. This message may be followed by a reason from the operating system, giving additional information. One of the following may have occurred:

BSCMAKE Error BK1505
cannot read from file 'filename' [: reason]

BSCMAKE could not read from the given file. This message may be followed by a reason from the operating system, giving additional information. One of the following may have occurred:

BSCMAKE Error BK1506
cannot open file 'filename' [: reason]

BSCMAKE could not open the given file. This message may be followed by a message from the operating system, giving additional information. One of the following may have occurred:

BSCMAKE Error BK1507
cannot open temporary file 'filename' [: reason]

BSCMAKE could not open one of its temporary files. This message may be followed by a reason from the operating system, giving additional information. One of the following may have occurred:

BSCMAKE Error BK1508
cannot delete temporary file 'filename' [: reason]

BSCMAKE could not delete one of its temporary files. This message may be followed by a reason from the operating system, giving additional information. One of the following may have occurred:

BSCMAKE Error BK1509
out of heap space

BSCMAKE ran out of memory, including virtual memory. One of the following may be a solution:

BSCMAKE Error BK1510
corrupt .SBR file 'filename'

The given .SBR file is corrupt or does not have the expected format. Recompile to regenerate the .SBR file.

BSCMAKE Error BK1511
invalid response file specification

BSCMAKE did not understand the command-line specification for the response file. The specification was probably wrong or incomplete. For example, the following specification causes this error: bscmake @

BSCMAKE Error BK1512
filename: capacity exceeded

BSCMAKE could not build a browse information file because the number of definitions, references, modules, or other information exceeded the limit. One of the following may be a solution:

BSCMAKE Error BK1513
nonincremental update requires all .SBR files

An attempt was made to build a new browse information (.BSC) file, but one or more of the specified .SBR files was truncated. This message is always preceded by warning BK4502, which gives the name of the .SBR file that caused the error.
BSCMAKE can process a truncated, or zero-length, .SBR file only when a .BSC file already exists and is being incrementally updated. One of the following may be a cause:

BSCMAKE Error BK1514
all .SBR files truncated, none found in filename
None of the .SBR files specified for an update was a part of the original browse information (.BSC) file. This message is always preceded by warning BK4502, which gives the name of the .SBR file that caused the error. One of the following may be a cause:

BSCMAKE Error BK1515
'bscfile': incompatible version: cannot incrementally update
The given browse information (.BSC) file was not created with this version of BSCMAKE. A .BSC file can be incrementally built only by the same version of BSCMAKE as the one used to fully build that file.

BSCMAKE Error BK1516
'bscfile' corrupt; cannot incrementally update
The given browse information (.BSC) file was corrupted, possibly due to a system failure during the build. Delete the .BSC file, rebuild all .SBR files, then rebuild the .BSC file.

BSCMAKE Error BK1517
source file for 'filename' compiled with both /Yc and /Yu
The given .SBR file refers to itself. Probably the file was recompiled with the /Yu option after compiling with /Yc. Reset the compiler options for the source file to /Yc, then rebuild all to generate new .SBR files for the project. Do not subsequently compile the same source file using /Yu.

BSCMAKE Warning BK4500
An unknown warning condition was detected by BSCMAKE. Note the circumstances of the warning, try to isolate the problem and create a reproducible test case, then report it to technical support.

BSCMAKE Warning BK4501
ignoring unknown option 'option'
BSCMAKE did not recognize the given option and ignored it.

BSCMAKE Warning BK4502
truncated .SBR file 'filename' not in filename
The given zero-length .SBR file, specified during an update, was not originally part of the browse information (.BSC) file. If a zero-length file that is not part of the original build of the .BSC file is specified during a rebuild of that file, BSCMAKE issues this warning. One of the following may be a cause:

BSCMAKE Warning BK4503
minor error in .SBR file 'filename' ignored
The given .SBR file contained an error that did not halt the build. However, the resulting .BSC file may not be correct. Recompile to regenerate the .SBR file.