CVPACK Messages CK1001 through CK4010

The following descriptions cover CVPACK error CK1001 through warning CK4010:

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1001
out of memory

CVPACK ran out of memory. One of the following may be a solution:

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1002
out of memory

CVPACK ran out of memory. One of the following may be a solution:

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1003
cannot open file : filename

CVPACK could not open the given file. One of the following may be a cause:

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1004
filename is read-only
The given file is a read-only file, or the path is on a read-only drive.

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1005
invalid executable file
CVPACK could not process the executable file. One of the following may be a cause:

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1006
invalid module module
The module does not have a valid format or is corrupt. Recompile and relink.

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1007
invalid table table in module module

The given table in the given object file is not valid, or the module is corrupt. Recompile and relink. If the error recurs, try using different options.

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1008
cannot write output file
The disk is probably full. This error leaves a corrupt file on disk.

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1011
type information corrupt, recompile module modulename
The given object file contains corrupted information. Recompile. Try compiling with a different /debug keyword.

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1012
no debugging information

The executable file does not contain debugging information. Do one of the following:

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1013
incompatible version of debugging information
One of the following has occurred:

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1017
cannot find precompiled types file; relink with filename
The program used a precompiled header, but the program was linked without filename. This file is the object file that was created when the header was precompiled. If the program uses a library that was created using precompiled headers, then filename was not linked from the library. One of the following may be a solution:

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1018
userfile cannot use precompiled types file pctfile : type counts do not match

The userfile uses the precompiled types file pctfile, but pctfile does not contain the correct number of types for userfile. Recompile userfile and relink. If a makefile is used, check the makefile dependencies.

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1021
userfile cannot use precompiled types file pctfile : signatures do not match
The userfile uses the precompiled types file pctfile, but the internal signature in pctfile does not match the internal signature in userfile. Probably pctfile was rebuilt but userfile was not rebuilt. Recompile userfile and relink. If a makefile is used, check the makefile dependencies.

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1022
cannot open program database pdbfile
CVPACK could not open the given program database (.PDB file). One of the following may be a cause:

CVPACK and LINK look for .PDB files in the following locations in this order:
  1. Where the .EXE or .DLL resides (the absolute path written in the .OBJ file).
  2. Where the .OBJ or .DLL is opened from.
You cannot specify a .PDB file's name or location on the command line.

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1023
modulename cannot use program database pdbfile : module newer than database
The .OBJ file modulename uses the .PDB file pdbfile, but pdbfile is older than modulename. Recompile and relink. If a makefile is used, check the makefile dependencies.

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1024
modulename cannot use program database pdbfile: signatures do not match
The .OBJ file modulename uses the .PDB file pdbfile, but the internal signature in pdbfile does not match the internal signature in modulename. Delete modulename, recompile, and relink. If a makefile is used, check the makefile dependencies.

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1025
incorrect COFF symbol table
CVPACK was unable to interpret the COFF symbols emitted by the compiler. Recompile and relink.

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1027
you have accessed an incorrect version of MSPDB60.DLL, recheck your installation

CVPACK Fatal Error CK1028
file compiled /Yc /Yu /Z7; cannot create debug info, recompile all with /Zi
You created two PCH files, one based on the other using the /Z7 compiler option. Only one precompiled type object can be referenced. The only way to use PCH files based on other PCH files is to use the /Zi compiler option to put all types in the .PDB file.

CVPACK Warning CK4001
file already packed
CVPACK took no action because the executable file has already been processed by this version of CVPACK.

CVPACK Warning CK4003
error in lexical scopes for module module; symbols deleted
The scoping of symbols in the given object module was corrupted. CVPACK deleted the symbols in the module. This is probably a compiler error. Recompile and relink the object file.

CVPACK Warning CK4004
unrecognized symbols discarded; recompile module modulename
The compiler generated an invalid symbol record in the modulename object file. CVPACK discarded the record. The debugger can run the resulting executable file. However, the symbol will be accessible only by the decorated name known to the linker, and display of the symbol will be limited. To see decorated names of identifiers, use DUMPBIN /UNDECORATE.

CVPACK Warning CK4005
unrecognized type converted to NULL; recompile module modulename
The compiler generated an invalid type record in the modulename object file. CVPACK discarded the record. The debugger can run the resulting executable file, but display of objects that reference the invalid type will be limited.

CVPACK Warning CK4006
type length limit exceeded; converted to NULL
A struct, enum, union, or class was too large for CVPACK to process. You can use the executable file with the debugger, but you cannot reference the object or type while debugging.

CVPACK Warning CK4007
unrecognized option /option; option ignored
The given option is not a valid CVPACK option. CVPACK ignored the specification and attempted to run using the rest of the command line.

CVPACK Warning CK4008
source line limit exceeded in module filename; source line info discarded
CVPACK could not translate the debugging information in the given filename module because filename was too large. CVPACK discarded the debugging information for this module. Break up the module into smaller files.

CVPACK Warning CK4009
exceeded 64K types at module; discarding subsequent types
The debugging information exceeded a CVPACK limit. One of the following may be a solution:

The checksum can be calculated only when running on WNT systems.

CVPACK Warning CK4010
cannot update checksum
The checksum can be calculated only when running on WNT systems.