CVTRES Messages CVT1100 through CVT4001

The following descriptions cover CVT1100 through warning CVT4001:

CVTRES Fatal Error CVT1100
duplicate resource -- type:type, name:name, language:language, flags:flags, size:size
The given resource was specified more than once.

CVTRES Fatal Error CVT1101
cannot open filename for reading
CVTRES could not open and read the given file. One of the following may be a cause:

CVTRES Fatal Error CVT1102
out of memory; size bytes required
There was not enough memory for CVTRES to complete the operation.

CVTRES Fatal Error CVT1103
cannot read filename
An unrecoverable error occurred when CVTRES attempted to read the given file. Possibly the file is corrupt.

CVTRES Fatal Error CVT1104
cannot get location in file
CVTRES could not determine the current location in the file. Possibly the file is corrupt.

CVTRES Fatal Error CVT1105
cannot seek in file
CVTRES could not go to a location in the file. Possibly the file is corrupt.

CVTRES Fatal Error CVT1106
cannot write to file
An unrecoverable error occurred when CVTRES attempted to write to the given file.

CVTRES Fatal Error CVT1107
filename is corrupt
The given file is not a valid resource file.

CVTRES Fatal Error CVT1108
cannot open filename for writing
CVTRES could not open and write to the given file. One of the following may be a cause:

CVTRES Warning CVT4001
machine type not specified; assumed type
CVTRES did not find a machine specification. It assumed the given machine type. If the default is incorrect, rerun CVTRES using the /MACHINE option.