Visual Fortran Run-Time Errors

This section describes Visual Fortran run-time error messages. For each error, the tables in the following sections provide the error number, the severity code, error message text, condition symbol name, and a detailed description of the errors.

The severity of the message determines whether program execution continues:

Severity Description
severe Must be corrected. The program's execution is terminated when the error is encountered, unless the program's I/O statements use the END, EOR, or ERR branch specifiers to transfer control, perhaps to a routine that uses the IOSTAT specifier.
error Should be corrected. The program might continue execution, but the output from this execution may be incorrect.
warning Should be investigated. The program continues execution, but output from this execution may be incorrect.
info For informational purposes only; the program continues.

When a severe error occurs for which no recovery method (such as ERR, END, or EOR) is specified:

To prevent program terminationn of a severe error, consider including an I/O error-handling specifier (see Methods of Handling Errors).

For information about where a message is displayed (depends on the project type) and related information, see Run-Time Message Display and Format.

The following sections describe the run-time errors in detail:

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