Run-Time Errors 690 Through 719

This section describes in detail Visual Fortran run-time errors 690 through 719.

In the following table, the first column lists error numbers returned to IOSTAT variables when an I/O error is detected.

The first line of the second column provides the message as it is displayed (following forrtl:), including the severity level, message number, and the message text. The following lines of the second column contain the status condition symbol (such as FOR$IOS_INCRECTYP) and an explanation of the message.

For information about severity levels, see the Introduction.

Number Severity Level, Number, and Message Text; Condition Symbol and Explanation
690 severe (690): Out of range: DIM argument to COUNT has value 'dim'

FOR$IOS_F6735. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to count true elements of MASK, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in MASK. That is, 1 <= DIM <= n, where n is the number of dimensions in MASK.

691 severe (691): Out of range: DIM argument to COUNT has value 'dim' with MASK of rank 'rank'

FOR$IOS_F6736. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to count true elements of MASK, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions (rank) in MASK. That is, 1 <= DIM <= n, where n is the number of dimensions in MASK.

692 severe (692): Out of range: DIM argument to PRODUCT has value 'dim'

FOR$IOS_F6737. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to compute the product of elements in an array, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= n, where n is the number of dimensions in array holding the elements to be multiplied.

693 severe (693): Out of range: DIM argument to PRODUCT has value 'dim' with ARRAY of rank 'rank'

FOR$IOS_F6738. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to compute the product of elements in an array, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions (rank) of the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= n, where n is the number of dimensions in array holding the elements to be multiplied.

694 severe (694): Out of range: DIM argument to SUM has value 'dim' with ARRAY of rank 'rank'

FOR$IOS_F6739. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to sum the elements of an array, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions (rank) of the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= n, where n is the number of dimensions in array holding the elements to be summed.

695 severe (695): Real zero raised to zero power

FOR$IOS_F6740. Zero of any type (real, complex, or integer) cannot be raised to zero power.

696 severe (696): Real zero raised to negative power

FOR$IOS_F6741. Zero of any type (real, complex, or integer) cannot be raised to a negative power. Raising to a negative power inverts the operand.

697 severe (697): Out of range: DIM argument to SUM has value 'dim'

FOR$IOS_F6742. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to sum the elements of an array, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= n, where n is the number of dimensions in array holding the elements to be summed.

698 severe (698): DIM argument ('dim') to EOSHIFT is out of range (1:'n')

FOR$IOS_F6743. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to perform an end-off shift in an array, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= n, where n is the number of dimensions in array holding the elements to be shifted.

699 severe (699): Shape mismatch (dimension 'dim') between ARRAY and BOUNDARY in EOSHIFT

FOR$IOS_F6744. The BOUNDARY argument to EOSHIFT must be either scalar or an array one dimension smaller than the shifted array. If an array, the shape of the BOUNDARY must conform to the shape of the array being shifted in every dimension except the one being shifted along.

700 severe (700): DIM argument to EOSHIFT is out of range ('dim')

FOR$IOS_F6745. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to perform an end-off shift in an array, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= n, where n is the number of dimensions in array holding the elements to be shifted.

701 severe (701): Shape mismatch (dimension 'dim') between ARRAY and SHIFT in EOSHIFT

FOR$IOS_F6746. The SHIFT argument to EOSHIFT must be either scalar or an array one dimension smaller than the shifted array. If an array, the shape of the SHIFT must conform to the shape of the array being shifted in every dimension except the one being shifted along.

702 severe (702): BOUNDARY argument to EOSHIFT has wrong LEN ('len1 instead of len2')

FOR$IOS_F6747. The character length of elements in the BOUNDARY argument and in the array being end-off shifted must be the same.

703 severe (703): BOUNDARY has LEN 'len' instead of 'len' to EOSHIFT


704 severe (704): Internal error - bad arguments to EOSHIFT


705 severe (705): GETARG: value of argument 'num' is out of range

FOR$IOS_F6750. The value used for the number of the command-line argument to retrieve with GETARG must be 0 or a positive integer. If the number of the argument to be retrieved is greater than the actual number of arguments, blanks are returned, but no error occurs.

706 severe (706): FLUSH: value of LUNIT 'num' is out of range

FOR$IOS_F6751. The unit number specifying which I/O unit to flush to its associated file must be an integer between 0 and 2**31-1, inclusive. If the unit number is valid, but the unit is not opened, error F6752 is generated.

707 severe (707): FLUSH: Unit 'n' is not connected

FOR$IOS_F6752. The I/O unit specified to be flushed to its associated file is not connected to a file.

708 severe (708): Invalid string length ('len') to ICHAR

FOR$IOS_F6753. The character argument to ICHAR must have length 1.

709 severe (709): Invalid string length ('len') to IACHAR

FOR$IOS_F6754. The character argument to IACHAR must have length 1.

710 severe (710): Integer zero raised to negative power

FOR$IOS_F6755. Zero of any type (integer, real, or complex) cannot be raised to a negative power. Raising to a negative power inverts the operand.

711 severe (711): INTEGER zero raised to zero power

FOR$IOS_F6756. Zero of any type (integer, real, or complex) cannot be raised to zero power.

712 severe (712): SIZE argument ('size') to ISHFTC intrinsic out of range

FOR$IOS_F6757. The argument SIZE must be positive and must not exceed the bit size of the integer being shifted. The bit size of this integer can be determined with the function BIT_SIZE.

713 severe (713): SHIFT argument ('shift') to ISHFTC intrinsic out of range

FOR$IOS_F6758. The argument SHIFT to ISHFTC must be an integer whose absolute value is less than or equal to the number of bits being shifted: either all bits in the number being shifted or a subset specified by the optional argument SIZE.

714 severe (714): Out of range: DIM argument to LBOUND has value 'dim'

FOR$IOS_F6759. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension whose lower bound is to be returned, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= n, where n is the number of dimensions in array.

715 severe (715): Out of range: DIM argument ('dim') to LBOUND greater than ARRAY rank 'rank'

FOR$IOS_F6760. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension whose lower bound is to be returned, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions (rank) in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= n, where n is the number of dimensions in array.

716 severe (716): Out of range: DIM argument to MAXVAL has value 'dim'

FOR$IOS_F6761. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which maximum values are returned, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= n, where n is the number of dimensions in array.

717 severe (717): Out of range: DIM argument to MAXVAL has value 'dim' with ARRAY of rank 'rank'

FOR$IOS_F6762. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which maximum values are returned, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions (rank) in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= n, where n is the number of dimensions in array.

718 severe (718): Cannot allocate temporary array -- out of memory

FOR$IOS_F6763. There is not enough memory space to hold a temporary array.

Dynamic memory allocation is limited by several factors, including swap file size and memory requirements of other applications that are running. If you encounter an unexpectedly low limit, you might need to reset your virtual memory size through the Windows Control Panel or redefine the swap file size. Allocated arrays that are no longer needed should be deallocated.

719 severe (719): Attempt to DEALLOCATE part of a larger object

FOR$IOS_F6764. An attempt was made to DEALLOCATE a pointer to an array subsection or an element within a derived type. The whole data object must be deallocated; parts cannot be deallocated.