Run-Time Errors Having No Numbers and Errors 1 Through 30

This section describes in detail Visual Fortran run-time errors having no numbers and run-time error numbers 1 through 30.

In the following table, the first column lists error numbers returned to IOSTAT variables when an I/O error is detected.

The first line of the second column provides the message as it is displayed (following forrtl:), including the severity level, message number, and the message text. The following lines of the second column contain the status condition symbol (such as FOR$IOS_INCRECTYP) and an explanation of the message.

For information about the severity levels, see the Introduction.

Number Severity Level, Number, and Message Text; Condition Symbol and Explanation
None1 info: Fortran error message number is nnn

The Compaq Fortran message catalog file was not found on this system. This error has no condition symbol.

None1 warning: Could not open message catalog:

The Compaq Fortran message catalog file was not found on this system. This error has no condition symbol.

None1 Insufficient memory to open Fortran RTL catalog: message 41

The Compaq Fortran message catalog file could not be opened because of insufficient virtual memory. For more information, see error 41. This error has no condition symbol.

11 severe (1): Not a Fortran-specific error

FOR$IOS_NOTFORSPE. An error in the user program or in the RTL was not a Compaq Fortran-specific error and was not reportable through any other Compaq Fortran run-time messages.

8 severe (8): Internal consistency check failure

FOR$IOS_BUG_CHECK. Internal error. Please check that the program is correct. Recompile if an error existed in the program. If this error persists, submit a problem report.

9 severe (9): Permission to access file denied

FOR$IOS_PERACCFIL. Check the permissions of the specified file and whether the network device is mapped and available. Make sure the correct file and device was being accessed. Change the protection, specific file, or process used before rerunning the program.

10 severe (10): Cannot overwrite existing file

FOR$IOS_CAVOVEEXI. Specified file xxx already exists when OPEN statement specified STATUS='NEW' (create new file) using I/O unit x. Make sure correct file name, directory path, unit, and so forth were specified in the source program. Decide whether to:

  • Rename or remove the existing file before rerunning the program.
  • Modify the source file to specify different file specification, I/O unit, or OPEN statement STATUS.
111 info (11): Unit not connected

FOR$IOS_UNINOTCON. The specified unit was not open at the time of the attempted I/O operation. Check if correct unit number was specified. If appropriate, use an OPEN statement to explicitly open the file (connect the file to the unit number).

17 severe (17): Syntax error in NAMELIST input

FOR$IOS_SYNERRNAM. The syntax of input to a namelist-directed READ statement was incorrect.

18 severe (18): Too many values for NAMELIST variable

FOR$IOS_TOOMANVAL. An attempt was made to assign too many values to a variable during a namelist READ statement.

19 severe (19): Invalid reference to variable in NAMELIST input

FOR$IOS_INVREFVAR. One of the following conditions occurred:

  • The variable was not a member of the namelist group.
  • An attempt was made to subscript a scalar variable.
  • A subscript of the array variable was out-of-bounds.
  • An array variable was specified with too many or too few subscripts for the variable.
  • An attempt was made to specify a substring of a noncharacter variable or array name.
  • A substring specifier of the character variable was out-of-bounds.
  • A subscript or substring specifier of the variable was not an integer constant.
  • An attempt was made to specify a substring by using an unsubscripted array variable.
20 severe (20): REWIND error

FOR$IOS_REWERR. One of the following conditions occurred:

  • The file was not a sequential file.
  • The file was not opened for sequential or append access.
  • The Compaq Fortran RTL I/O system detected an error condition during execution of a REWIND statement.
21 severe (21): Duplicate file specifications

FOR$IOS_DUPFILSPE. Multiple attempts were made to specify file attributes without an intervening close operation. A DEFINE FILE statement was followed by another DEFINE FILE statement or an OPEN statement.

22 severe (22): Input record too long

FOR$IOS_INPRECTOO. A record was read that exceeded the explicit or default record length specified when the file was opened. To read the file, use an OPEN statement with a RECL= value (record length) of the appropriate size.

23 severe (23): BACKSPACE error

FOR$IOS_BACERR. The Compaq Fortran RTL I/O system detected an error condition during execution of a BACKSPACE statement.

241 severe (24): End-of-file during read

FOR$IOS_ENDDURREA. One of the following conditions occurred:

  • A Compaq Fortran RTL I/O system end-of-file condition was encountered during execution of a READ statement that did not contain an END, ERR, or IOSTAT specification.
  • An end-of-file record written by the ENDFILE statement was encountered during execution of a READ statement that did not contain an END, ERR, or IOSTAT specification.
  • An attempt was made to read past the end of an internal file character string or array during execution of a READ statement that did not contain an END, ERR, or IOSTAT specification.
This error is returned by END and ERRSNS.
25 severe (25): Record number outside range

FOR$IOS_RECNUMOUT. A direct access READ, WRITE, or FIND statement specified a record number outside the range specified when the file was opened.

26 severe (26): OPEN or DEFINE FILE required

FOR$IOS_OPEDEFREQ. A direct access READ, WRITE, or FIND statement was attempted for a file when no prior DEFINE FILE or OPEN statement with ACCESS='DIRECT' was performed for that file.

27 severe (27): Too many records in I/O statement

FOR$IOS_TOOMANREC. An attempt was made to do one of the following:

  • Read or write more than one record with an ENCODE or DECODE statement.
  • Write more records than existed.
28 severe (28): CLOSE error

FOR$IOS_CLOERR. An error condition was detected by the Compaq Fortran RTL I/O system during execution of a CLOSE statement.

29 severe (29): File not found

FOR$IOS_FILNOTFOU. A file with the specified name could not be found during an open operation.

30 severe (30): Open failure

FOR$IOS_OPEFAI. An error was detected by the Compaq Fortran RTL I/O system while attempting to open a file in an OPEN, INQUIRE, or other I/O statement. This message is issued when the error condition is not one of the more common conditions for which specific error messages are provided. It can occur when an OPEN operation was attempted for one of the following:

  • Segmented file that was not on a disk or a raw magnetic tape
  • Standard I/O file that had been closed

1Identifies errors not returned by IOSTAT.