Run-Time Errors 120 Through 300

This section describes in detail Visual Fortran run-time errors 120 through 300.

In the following table, the first column lists error numbers returned to IOSTAT variables when an I/O error is detected.

The first line of the second column provides the message as it is displayed (following forrtl:), including the severity level, message number, and the message text. The following lines of the second column contain the status condition symbol (such as FOR$IOS_INCRECTYP) and an explanation of the message.

For information about the severity levels, see the Introduction.

Number Severity Level, Number, and Message Text; Condition Symbol and Explanation
120 severe (120): Operation requires seek ability

FOR$IOS_OPEREQSEE. Attempted an operation on a file that requires the ability to perform seek operations on that file. Make sure the correct unit, directory path, and file were specified.

1381 severe (138): Array index out of bounds

FOR$IOS_BRK_RANGE. An array subscript is outside the dimensioned boundaries of that array. Recompile with the /check:bounds option set.

1391 severe: (139): Array index out of bounds for index nn

FOR$IOS_BRK_RANGE2. An array subscript is outside the dimensioned boundaries of that array. Recompile with the /check:bounds option set.

1401 error (140): Floating inexact

FOR$IOS_FLTINE. A floating-point arithmetic or conversion operation gave a result that differs from the mathematically exact result. This trap is reported if the rounded result of an IEEE operation is not exact.

1441 severe (144): Reserved operand

FOR$IOS_ROPRAND. The Compaq Fortran RTL encountered a reserved operand while executing your program. Please report the problem to Compaq.

1451 severe (145): Assertion error

FOR$IOS_ASSERTERR. The Compaq Fortran RTL encountered an assertion error. Please report the problem to Compaq.

1461 severe (146): Null pointer error

FOR$IOS_NULPTRERR. Attempted to use a pointer that does not contain an address. Modify the source program, recompile, and relink.

1471 severe (147): Stack overflow

FOR$IOS_STKOVF. The Compaq Fortran RTL encountered a stack overflow while executing your program. See the Section "Guidelines for Programs That Use Large Data Arrays" in the post-installation part of Compaq Visual Fortran Installing and Getting Started.

1481 severe (148): String length error

FOR$IOS_STRLENERR. During a string operation, an integer value appears in a context where the value of the integer is outside the permissible string length range. Recompile with the /check:bounds option.

1491 severe (149): Substring error

FOR$IOS_SUBSTRERR. An array subscript is outside the dimensioned boundaries of an array. Recompile with the /check:bounds option.

1501 severe (150): Range error

FOR$IOS_RANGEERR. An integer value appears in a context where the value of the integer is outside the permissible range.

1511,2 severe (151): Allocatable array is already allocated

FOR$IOS_INVREALLOC. An allocatable array must not already be allocated when you attempt to allocate it. You must deallocate the array before it can again be allocated.

1521 severe (152): Unresolved contention for DEC Fortran RTL global resource

FOR$IOS_RESACQFAI. Failed to acquire a Compaq Fortran RTL global resource for a reentrant routine. For a multithreaded program, the requested global resource is held by a different thread in your program. For a program using asynchronous handlers, the requested global resource is held by the calling part of the program (such as main program) and your asynchronous handler attempted to acquire the same global resource.

1531,3 severe (153): Allocatable array or pointer is not allocated

FOR$IOS_INVDEALLOC. A Fortran 90 allocatable array or pointer must already be allocated when you attempt to deallocate it. You must allocate the array or pointer before it can again be deallocated.

1541 severe(154): Array index out of bounds

FOR$IOS_RANGE. An array subscript is outside the dimensioned boundaries of that array. Recompile with the /check:bounds option set.

1551 severe(155): Array index out of bounds for index nn

FOR$IOS_RANGE2. An array subscript is outside the dimensioned boundaries of that array. Recompile with the /check:bounds option set.

1561 severe(156): GENTRAP code = hex dec

FOR$IOS_DEF_GENTRAP. The Compaq Fortran RTL has detected an unknown GENTRAP code. The cause is most likely a software problem due to memory corruption, or software signalling an exception with an incorrect exception code. Try recompiling with the /check:bounds option set to see if that finds the problem.

1571 severe(157): Program Exception - access violation

FOR$IOS_ACCVIO. The program tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access. Try recompiling with the /check:bounds and /warn:argument_checking options set, to see if the problem is an out-of-bounds memory reference or a argument mismatch that causes data to be treated as an address.

Other causes of this error include:

  • Mismatches in C vs. STDCALL calling mechanisms, causing the stack to become corrupted
  • References to unallocated pointers
  • Attempting to access a protected (for example, read-only) address
1581 severe(158): Program Exception - datatype misalignment

FOR$IOS_DTYPE_MISALIGN. The Compaq Fortran RTL has detected data that is not aligned on a natural boundary for the data type specified. For example, a REAL(8) data item aligned on natural boundaries has an address that is a multiple of 8. To ensure naturally aligned data, use the /alignment option. For more information on alignment, see Data Alignment Considerations in the Programmer's Guide.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.

1591 severe(159): Program Exception - breakpoint

FOR$IOS_PGM_BPT. The Compaq Fortran RTL has encountered a breakpoint in the program.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.

1601 severe(160): Program Exception - single step

FOR$IOS_PGM_SS. A trace trap or other single-instruction mechanism has signaled that one instruction has been executed.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.

1611 severe(161): Program Exception - array bounds exceeded

FOR$IOS_PGM_BOUNDS. The program tried to access an array element that is outside the specified boundaries of the array. Recompile with the /check:bounds option set.

1621 severe(162): Program Exception - denormal floating-point operand

FOR$IOS_PGM_DENORM. A floating-point arithmetic or conversion operation has a denormalized number as an operand. A denormalized number is smaller than the lowest value in the normal range for the data type specified. See the Data Representation chapter in the Programmer's Guide for ranges for floating-point types.

Either locate and correct the source code causing the denormalized value or, if a denormalized value is acceptable, specify a different value for the /fpe compiler option to allow program continuation.

1631 severe(163): Program Exception - floating stack check

FOR$IOS_PGM_FLTSTK. During a floating-point operation, the floating-point register stack on ia32 systems overflowed or underflowed. This is a fatal exception. The most likely cause is calling a REAL function as if it were an INTEGER function or subroutine, or calling an INTEGER function or subroutine as if it were a REAL function.

Carefully check that the calling code and routine being called agree as to how the routine is declared. If you are unable to resolve the issue, please send a problem report with an example to Compaq.

1641 severe(164): Program Exception - integer divide by zero

FOR$IOS_PGM_INTDIV. During an integer arithmetic operation, an attempt was made to divide by zero. Locate and correct the source code causing the integer divide by zero.

1651 severe(165): Program Exception - integer overflow

FOR$IOS_PGM_INTOVF. During an arithmetic operation, an integer value exceeded the largest representable value for that data type. See the Data Representation chapter in the Programmer's Guide for ranges for INTEGER types.

This message appears when /check:overflow was specified and an integer overflow appears.

1661 severe(166): Program Exception - privileged instruction

FOR$IOS_PGM_PRIVINST. The program tried to execute an instruction whose operation is not allowed in the current machine mode.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.

1671 severe(167): Program Exception - in page error

FOR$IOS_PGM_INPGERR. The program tried to access a page that was not present, so the system was unable to load the page. For example, this error might occur if a network connection was lost while trying to run a program over the network.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.

1681 severe(168): Program Exception - illegal instruction

FOR$IOS_PGM_ILLINST. The program tried to execute an invalid instruction.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.

1691 severe(169): Program Exception - noncontinuable exception

FOR$IOS_PGM_NOCONTEXCP. The program tried to continue execution after a noncontinuable exception occurred.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.

1701 severe(170): Program Exception - stack overflow

FOR$IOS_PGM_STKOVF. The Compaq Fortran RTL has detected a stack overflow while executing your program. See your Release Notes for information on how to increase stack size.

1711 severe(171): Program Exception - invalid disposition

FOR$IOS_PGM_INVDISP. An exception handler returned an invalid disposition to the exception dispatcher. Programmers using a high-level language should never encounter this exception.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.

1721 severe(172): Program Exception - exception code = hex dec

FOR$IOS_PGM_EXCP_CODE. The Compaq Fortran RTL has detected an unknown exception code.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.

1731,3 severe(173): A pointer passed to DEALLOCATE points to an array that cannot be deallocated

FOR$IOS_INVDEALLOC2. A pointer that was passed to DEALLOCATE pointed to an explicit array, an array slice, or some other type of memory that could not be deallocated in a DEALLOCATE statement. Only whole arrays previous allocated with an ALLOCATE statement may be validly passed to DEALLOCATE.

1751 severe(175): DATE argument to DATE_AND_TIME is too short (LEN=n), required LEN=8

FOR$IOS_SHORTDATEARG. The number of characters associated with the DATE argument to the DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic was shorter than the required length. You must increase the number of characters passed in for this argument to be at least 8 characters in length. Verify that the TIME and ZONE arguments also meet their minimum lengths.

1761 severe(176): TIME argument to DATE_AND_TIME is too short (LEN=n), required LEN=10

FOR$IOS_SHORTTIMEARG. The number of characters associated with the TIME argument to the DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic was shorter than the required length. You must increase the number of characters passed in for this argument to be at least 10 characters in length. Verify that the DATE and ZONE arguments also meet their minimum lengths.

1771 severe(177): ZONE argument to DATE_AND_TIME is too short (LEN=n), required LEN=5

FOR$IOS_SHORTZONEARG. The number of characters associated with the ZONE argument to the DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic was shorter than the required length. You must increase the number of characters passed in for this argument to be at least 5 characters in length. Verify that the DATE and TIME arguments also meet their minimum lengths.

1781 severe(178): Divide by zero

FOR$IOS_DIV. A floating-point or integer divide-by-zero exception occurred.

1791,2 severe(179): Cannot allocate array - overflow on array size calculation

FOR$IOS_ARRSIZEOVF. An attempt to dynamically allocate storage for an array failed because the required storage size exceeds addressable memory.

2011 severe (201): Intel Pentium fdiv flaw detected, please update the processor

FOR$IOS_FLAWEDPENT. The Fortran run-time system detected a flawed Pentium® processor. Please contact Intel® to upgrade your processor. To allow program execution to continue when this condition occurs, set the environment variable FOR_RUN_FLAWED_PENTIUM to true and rerun the program. For more information, see Intel Pentium Floating-Point Flaw.

256 severe (256): Unformatted I/O to unit open for formatted transfers

FOR$IOS_UNFIO_FMT. Attempted unformatted I/O to a unit where the OPEN statement (FORM specifier) indicated the file was formatted. Check that the correct unit (file) was specified. If the FORM specifier was not present in the OPEN statement and the file contains unformatted data, specify FORM='UNFORMATTED'in the OPEN statement. Otherwise, if appropriate, use formatted I/O (such as list-directed or namelist I/O).

257 severe (257): Formatted I/O to unit open for unformatted transfers

FOR$IOS_FMTIO_UNF. Attempted formatted I/O (such as list-directed or namelist I/O) to a unit where the OPEN statement indicated the file was unformatted (FORM specifier). Check that the correct unit (file) was specified. If the FORM specifier was not present in the OPEN statement and the file contains formatted data, specify FORM='FORMATTED' in the OPEN statement. Otherwise, if appropriate, use unformatted I/O.

259 severe (259): Sequential-access I/O to unit open for direct access

FOR$IOS_SEQIO_DIR. The OPEN for this unit number specified direct access and the I/O statement specifies sequential access. Check the OPEN statement and make sure the I/O statement uses the correct unit number and type of access.

For more information on OPEN and other statements, see the A to Z Reference in the online Language Reference or the printed Compaq Fortran Language Reference Manual.

264 severe (264): operation requires file to be on disk or tape

FOR$IOS_OPEREQDIS. Attempted to use a BACKSPACE statement on such devices as a terminal.

265 severe (265): operation requires sequential file organization and access

FOR$IOS_OPEREQSEQ. Attempted to use a BACKSPACE statement on a file whose organization was not sequential or whose access was not sequential. A BACKSPACE statement can only be used for sequential files opened for sequential access.

2661 error (266): Fortran abort routine called

FOR$IOS_PROABOUSE. The program called the abort routine to terminate itself.

2681 severe (268): End of record during read

FOR$IOS_ENDRECDUR. An end-of-record condition was encountered during execution of a nonadvancing I/O READ statement that did not specify the EOR branch specifier.

2961 info(296): nn floating inexact traps

FOR$IOS_FLOINEEXC. The total number of floating-point inexact data traps encountered during program execution was nn. This summary message appears at program completion.

2971 info (297): nn floating invalid traps

FOR$IOS_FLOINVEXC. The total number of floating-point invalid data traps encountered during program execution was nn. This summary message appears at program completion.

2981 info (298): nn floating overflow traps

FOR$IOS_FLOOVFEXC. The total number of floating-point overflow traps encountered during program execution was nn. This summary message appears at program completion.

2991 info (299): nn floating divide-by-zero traps

FOR$IOS_FLODIV0EXC. The total number of floating-point divide-by-zero traps encountered during program execution was nn. This summary message appears at program completion.

3001 info (300): nn floating underflow traps

FOR$IOS_FLOUNDEXC. The total number of floating-point underflow traps encountered during program execution was nn. This summary message appears at program completion.

1Identifies errors not returned by IOSTAT.

2Identifies errors that can be returned by STAT in an ALLOCATE statement.

3Identifies errors that can be returned by STAT in a DEALLOCATE statement.