Run-Time Errors 540 Through 569

This section describes in detail Visual Fortran run-time errors 540 through 569.

In the following table, the first column lists error numbers returned to IOSTAT variables when an I/O error is detected.

The first line of the second column provides the message as it is displayed (following forrtl:), including the severity level, message number, and the message text. The following lines of the second column contain the status condition symbol (such as FOR$IOS_INCRECTYP) and an explanation of the message.

For information about severity levels, see the Introduction.

Number Severity Level, Number, and Message Text; Condition Symbol and Explanation
540 severe (540): Array or substring subscript expression out of range

FOR$IOS_F6096. An expression used to index an array was smaller than the lower dimension bound or larger than the upper dimension bound.

541 severe (541): CHARACTER substring expression out of range

FOR$IOS_F6097. An expression used to index a character substring was illegal.

542 severe (542): Label not found in assigned GOTO list

FOR$IOS_F6098. The label assigned to the integer-variable name was not specified in the label list of the assigned GOTO statement.

543 severe (543): INTEGER arithmetic overflow

FOR$IOS_F6099. This error occurs whenever integer arithmetic results in overflow.

544 severe (544): INTEGER overflow on input

FOR$IOS_F6100. An integer item exceeded the legal size limits.

An INTEGER(1) item must be in the range -127 to 128. An INTEGER(2) item must be in the range -32,767 to 32,768. An INTEGER(4) item must be in the range -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,648.

545 severe (545): Invalid INTEGER

FOR$IOS_F6101. Either an illegal character appeared as part of an integer, or a numeric character larger than the radix was used in an alternate radix specifier.

546 severe (546): REAL indefinite (uninitialized or previous error)

FOR$IOS_F6102. An invalid real number was read from a file, an internal variable, or the console. This can happen if an invalid number is generated by passing an illegal argument to an intrinsic function -- for example, SQRT(-1) or ASIN(2). If the invalid result is written and then later read, the error will be generated.

547 severe (547): Invalid REAL

FOR$IOS_F103. An illegal character appeared as part of a real number.

548 severe (548): REAL math overflow

FOR$IOS_F6104. A real value was too large. Floating-point overflows in either direct or emulated mode generate NaN (Not-A-Number) exceptions, which appear in the output field as asterisks (*) or the letters NAN.

550 severe (550): INTEGER assignment overflow

FOR$IOS_F6106. This error occurs when assignment to an integer is out of range. This message appears only if the /check:bounds option is used in compiling.

551 severe (551): Formatted I/O not consistent with OPEN options

FOR$IOS_F6200. The program tried to perform formatted I/O on a unit opened with FORM='UNFORMATTED' or FORM='BINARY'.

552 severe (552): List-directed I/O not consistent with OPEN options

FOR$IOS_F6201. The program tried to perform list-directed I/O on a file that was not opened with FORM='FORMATTED' and ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL'.

553 severe (553): Terminal I/O not consistent with OPEN options

FOR$IOS_F6202. When a special device such as CON, LPT1, or PRN is opened in an OPEN statement, its access must be sequential and its format must be either formatted or binary. By default ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL' and FORM='FORMATTED' in OPEN statements.

To generate this error the device's OPEN statement must contain an option not appropriate for a terminal device, such as ACCESS='DIRECT' or FORM='UNFORMATTED'.

554 severe (554): Direct I/O not consistent with OPEN options

FOR$IOS_F6203. A REC= option was included in a statement that transferred data to a file that was opened with the ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL' option.

555 severe (555): Unformatted I/O not consistent with OPEN options

FOR$IOS_F6204. If a file is opened with FORM='FORMATTED', unformatted or binary data transfer is prohibited.

556 severe (556): A edit descriptor expected for CHARACTER

FOR$IOS_F6205. The A edit descriptor was not specified when a character data item was read or written using formatted I/O.

557 severe (557): E, F, D, or G edit descriptor expected for REAL

FOR$IOS_F6206. The E, F, D, or G edit descriptor was not specified when a real data item was read or written using formatted I/O.

558 severe (558): I edit descriptor expected for INTEGER

FOR$IOS_F6207. The I edit descriptor was not specified when an integer data item was read or written using formatted I/O.

559 severe (559): L edit descriptor expected for LOGICAL

FOR$IOS_F6208. The L edit descriptor was not specified when a logical data item was read or written using formatted I/O.

560 severe (560): File already open: parameter mismatch

FOR$IOS_F6209. An OPEN statement specified a connection between a unit and a filename that was already in effect. In this case, only the BLANK= option can have a different setting.

561 severe (561): Namelist I/O not consistent with OPEN options

FOR$IOS_F6210. The program tried to perform namelist I/O on a file that was not opened with FORM='FORMATTED' and ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL'.

562 severe (562): IOFOCUS option illegal with non-window unit

FOR$IOS_F6211. IOFOCUS was specified in an OPEN or INQUIRE statement for a non-window unit. The IOFOCUS option can only be used when the unit opened or inquired about is a QuickWin child window.

563 severe (563): IOFOCUS option illegal without QuickWin

FOR$IOS_F6212. IOFOCUS was specified in an OPEN or INQUIRE statement for a non-QuickWin application. The IOFOCUS option can only be used when the unit opened or inquired about is a QuickWin child window.

564 severe (564): TITLE illegal with non-window unit

FOR$IOS_F6213. TITLE was specified in an OPEN or INQUIRE statement for a non-window unit. The TITLE option can only be used when the unit opened or inquired about is a QuickWin child window.

565 severe (565): TITLE illegal without QuickWin

FOR$IOS_F6214. TITLE was specified in an OPEN or INQUIRE statement for a non-QuickWin application. The TITLE option can only be used when the unit opened or inquired about is a QuickWin child window.

566 severe (566): KEEP illegal for scratch file

FOR$IOS_F6300. STATUS='KEEP' was specified for a scratch file; this is illegal because scratch files are automatically deleted at program termination.

567 severe (567): SCRATCH illegal for named file

FOR$IOS_F6301. STATUS='SCRATCH' should not be used in a statement that includes a filename.

568 severe (568): Multiple radix specifiers

FOR$IOS_F6302. More than one alternate radix for numeric I/O was specified. F6302 can indicate an error in spacing or a mismatched format for data of different radices.

569 severe (569): Illegal radix specifier

FOR$IOS_F6303. A radix specifier was not between 2 and 36, inclusive. Alternate radix constants must be of the form n#ddd... where n is a radix from 2 to 36 inclusive and ddd... are digits with values less than the radix. For example, 3#12 and 34#7AX are valid constants with valid radix specifiers. 245#7A and 39#12 do not have valid radix specifiers and generate error 569 if input.