Run-Time Errors 615 Through 656

This section describes in detail Visual Fortran run-time errors 615 through 656.

In the following table, the first column lists error numbers returned to IOSTAT variables when an I/O error is detected.

The first line of the second column provides the message as it is displayed (following forrtl:), including the severity level, message number, and the message text. The following lines of the second column contain the status condition symbol (such as FOR$IOS_INCRECTYP) and an explanation of the message.

For information about severity levels, see the Introduction.

Number Severity Level, Number, and Message Text; Condition Symbol and Explanation
615 severe (615): Multiple repeat field

FOR$IOS_F6503. In list-directed input of the form i*c, an extra repeat field was used. For example, consider the following:

  READ(*,*) I, J, K  
Input of 2*1*3 returns this error. The 2*1 means send two values, each 1; the *3 is an error.
616 severe (616): Invalid number in input

FOR$IOS_F6504. Some of the values in a list-directed input record were not numeric. For example, consider the following:

  READ(*,*) I, J  
The preceding statement would cause this error if the input were: 123 'abc'.
617 severe (617): Invalid string in input

FOR$IOS_F6505. A string item was not enclosed in single quotation marks.

618 severe (618): Comma missing in COMPLEX input

FOR$IOS_F6506. When using list-directed input, the real and imaginary components of a complex number were not separated by a comma.

619 severe (619): T or F expected in LOGICAL read

FOR$IOS_F6507. The wrong format was used for the input field for logical data.

The input field for logical data consists of optional blanks, followed by an optional decimal point, followed by a T for true or F for false. The T or F may be followed by additional characters in the field, so that .TRUE. and .FALSE. are acceptable input forms.

620 severe (620): Too many bytes read from unformatted record

FOR$IOS_F6508. The program tried to read more data from an unformatted file than the current record contained. If the program was reading from an unformatted direct file, it tried to read more than the fixed record length as specified by the RECL option. If the program was reading from an unformatted sequential file, it tried to read more data than was written to the record.

621 severe (621): H or apostrophe edit descriptor illegal on input

FOR$IOS_F6509. Hollerith (H) or apostrophe edit descriptors were encountered in a format used by a READ statement.

622 severe (622): Illegal character in hexadecimal input

FOR$IOS_F6510. The input field contained a character that was not hexadecimal.

Legal hexadecimal characters are 0 - 9 and A - F.

623 severe (623): Variable name not found

FOR$IOS_F6511. A name encountered on input from a namelist record is not declared in the corresponding NAMELIST statement.

624 severe (624): Invalid NAMELIST input format

FOR$IOS_F6512. The input record is not in the correct form for namelist input.

625 severe (625): Wrong number of array dimensions

FOR$IOS_F6513. In namelist input, an array name was qualified with a different number of subscripts than its declaration, or a non-array name was qualified.

626 severe (626): Array subscript exceeds allocated area

FOR$IOS_F6514. A subscript was specified in namelist input which exceeded the declared dimensions of the array.

627 severe (627): Invalid subrange in NAMELIST input

FOR$IOS_F6515. A character item in namelist input was qualified with a subrange that did not meet the requirement that 1 <= e1 <= e2 <= len (where "len" is the length of the character item, "e1" is the leftmost position of the substring, and "e2" is the rightmost position of the substring).

628 severe (628): Substring range specified on non-CHARACTER item

FOR$IOS_F6516. A non-CHARACTER item in namelist input was qualified with a substring range.

629 severe (629): Internal file overflow

FOR$IOS_F6600. The program either overflowed an internal-file record or tried to write to a record beyond the end of an internal file.

630 severe (630): Direct record overflow

FOR$IOS_F6601. The program tried to write more than the number of bytes specified in the RECL option to an individual record of a direct-access file.

631 severe (631):Numeric field bigger than record size

FOR$IOS_F6602. The program tried to write a noncharacter item across a record boundary in list-directed or namelist output. Only character constants can cross record boundaries.

632 severe (632): Heap space limit exceeded

FOR$IOS_F6700. The program ran out of heap space. The ALLOCATE statement and various internal functions allocate memory from the heap. This error will be generated when the last of the heap space is used up.

633 severe (633): Scratch file name limit exceeded

FOR$IOS_F6701. The program exhausted the template used to generate unique scratch-file names. The maximum number of scratch files that can be open at one time is 26.

634 severe (634): D field exceeds W field in ES edit descriptor

FOR$IOS_F6970. The specified decimal length D exceeds the specified total field width W in an ES edit descriptor.

635 severe (635): D field exceeds W field in EN edit descriptor

FOR$IOS_F6971. The specified decimal length D exceeds the specified total field width W in an EN edit descriptor.

636 severe (636): Exponent of 0 not allowed in format


637 severe (637): Integer expected in format

FOR$IOS_F6980. An edit descriptor lacked a required integer value. For example, consider the following:

      WRITE(*, 100) I, J
  100 FORMAT (I2, TL, I2)
The preceding code will cause this error because an integer is expected after TL.
638 severe (638): Initial left parenthesis expected in format

FOR$IOS_F6981. A format did not begin with a left parenthesis ( ( ).

639 severe (639): Positive integer expected in format

FOR$IOS_F6982. A zero or negative integer value was used in a format.

Negative integer values can appear only with the P edit descriptor. Integer values of 0 can appear only in the d and m fields of numeric edit descriptors.

640 severe (640): Repeat count on nonrepeatable descriptor

FOR$IOS_F6983. One or more BN, BZ, S, SS, SP, T, TL, TR, /, $, :, or apostrophe (') edit descriptors had repeat counts associated with them.

641 severe (641): Integer expected preceding H, X, or P edit descriptor

FOR$IOS_F6984. An integer did not precede a (nonrepeatable) H, X, or P edit descriptor.

The correct formats for these descriptors are nH, nX, and kP, respectively, where n is a positive integer and k is an optionally signed integer.

642 severe (642): N or Z expected after B in format

FOR$IOS_F6985. To control interpretation of embedded and trailing blanks within numeric input fields, you must specify BN (to ignore them) or BZ (to interpret them as zeros).

643 severe (643): Format nesting limit exceeded

FOR$IOS_F6986. More than 16 sets of parentheses were nested inside the main level of parentheses in a format.

644 severe (644): '.' expected in format

FOR$IOS_F6987. No period appeared between the w and d fields of a D, E, F, or G edit descriptor.

645 severe (645): Unexpected end of format

FOR$IOS_F6988. An incomplete format was used.

Improperly matched parentheses, an unfinished Hollerith (H) descriptor, or another incomplete descriptor specification can cause this error.

646 severe (646): Unexpected character in format

FOR$IOS_F6989. A character that cannot be interpreted as part of a valid edit descriptor was used in a format. For example, consider the following:

      WRITE(*, 100) I, J
  100 FORMAT (I2, TL4.5, I2)  
The code will generate this error because TL4.5 is not a valid edit descriptor. An integer must follow TL.
647 severe (647): M field exceeds W field in I edit descriptor

FOR$IOS_F6990. In syntax Iw.m, the value of m cannot exceed the value of w.

648 severe (648): Integer out of range in format

FOR$IOS_F6991. An integer value specified in an edit descriptor was too large to represent as a 4-byte integer.

649 severe (649): format not set by ASSIGN

FOR$IOS_F6992. The format specifier in a READ, WRITE, or PRINT statement was an integer variable, but an ASSIGN statement did not properly assign it the statement label of a FORMAT statement in the same program unit.

650 severe (650): Separator expected in format

FOR$IOS_F6993. Within format specifications, edit descriptors must be separated by commas or slashes (/).

651 severe (651): %c or $: nonstandard edit descriptor in format


652 severe (652): Z: nonstandard edit descriptor in format

FOR$IOS_F6995. Z is not a standard edit descriptor in format.

If you want to transfer hexadecimal values, you must use the edit descriptor form Zw[.m], where w is the field width and m is the minimum number of digits that must be in the field (including leading zeros).

653 severe (653): DOS graphics not supported under Windows NT


654 severe (654): Graphics error

FOR$IOS_F6997. An OPEN statement in which IOFOCUS was TRUE, either explicitly or by default, failed because the new window could not receive focus. The window handle may be invalid, or closed, or there may be a memory resource problem.

655 severe (655): Using QuickWin is illegal in console application

FOR$IOS_F6998. A call to QuickWin from a console application was encountered during execution.

656 severe (656): Illegal 'ADVANCE' value

FOR$IOS_F6999. The ADVANCE option can only take the values 'YES' and 'NO'. ADVANCE='YES' is the default. ADVANCE is a READ statement option.