Linker Errors LNK1000 to LNK1149

Linker Tools Error LNK1000
unknown error; consult documentation for technical support options
Note the circumstances of the error, try to isolate the problem and create a reproducible test case, then contact technical support.

Linker Tools Error LNK1101
incorrect MSPDBxx.DLL version; recheck installation of this product
The version of MSPDBxx.DLL available on your system does not match the version required by this tool.

Linker Tools Error LNK1102
out of memory
There was not enough memory for the tool to run. Probably the paging file exceeded available disk space. If a shortage of disk space is not the cause, note the circumstances of the error, try to isolate the problem and create a reproducible test case, then request technical support.

Linker Tools Error LNK1103
debugging information corrupt; recompile module
Probably the compilation was terminated before a valid object file was created. Recompile the given object file. If recompiling does not correct the problem, note the circumstances of the error, try to isolate the problem and create a reproducible test case, then consult technical support. See Corrupt Object File for more information.

Linker Tools Error LNK1104
cannot open file "filename"
The tool could not open the given file. One of the following may be a cause:

Linker Tools Error LNK1105
cannot close file "filename"
The tool could not close the given file. Possibly there was insufficient disk space available.

Linker Tools Error LNK1106
invalid file or disk full: cannot seek to location
The tool could not read or write to location in a memory-mapped file:

Linker Tools Error LNK1107
invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at location
The tool could not read the file. Recreate the file.

Linker Tools Error LNK1108
cannot write file at location
The tool could not write to the file. One of the following may be a cause:

Linker Tools Error LNK1109
cannot remove file "filename"
LIB could not delete the given file. Before LIB writes the new version of a library, it removes the existing library file. One of the following may be a cause:

Linker Tools Error LNK1110
cannot rename file "filename"
LIB could not rename the given file. When LIB builds a new version of a library, it creates a temporary file, then renames the file. One of the following may be a cause:

Linker Tools Error LNK1111
invalid /BASE argument "argument"
The /BASE option was incorrectly specified. Either no argument was specified or argument is not a number.

Linker Tools Error LNK1112
module machine type "type1" conflicts with target machine type "type2"
The object files specified as input were compiled for different machine types.

Linker Tools Error LNK1113
invalid machine type
The machine type specified in the object header is not valid. Probably the file is corrupt. Rebuild the object. See Corrupt Object File for more information.

Linker Tools Error LNK1115
/MACHINE option required
LINK or LIB cannot determine the machine type for objects that are provided entirely from libraries. Either specify the /MACHINE option with the appropriate machine type or specify at least one object file in the input.

Linker Tools Error LNK1117
syntax error in option "option"
The given option was not correctly specified.

Linker Tools Error LNK1118
syntax error in keyword statement
The given module-definition statement was not correctly specified.

Linker Tools Error LNK1119
invalid ordinal number "argument"
The argument following the at sign (@) in an ordinal specification was not a valid number. An ordinal number is an optional argument in either an /EXPORT option in a LINK or LIB command or an EXPORTS statement in a module-definition file. It is an index into the exports table. The number must be an integer in the range 1-65535.

Linker Tools Error LNK1120
number unresolved externals
Error LNK1120 gives you a count (number) of unresolved externals for this link. The conditions that cause unresolved externals are described with error LNK2001 (see Linker Errors LNK2001 to LNK2014), which precedes this error message (once for each unresolved external).

Linker Tools Error LNK1121
duplicate ordinal number "number"
The given ordinal number was specified more than once in either an /EXPORT option in a LINK or LIB command or an EXPORTS statement in a module-definition file. Ordinal numbers must be unique integers in the range 1-65535.

Linker Tools Error LNK1123
failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
The object or resource could not be converted to COFF. This tool requires the format of all input files to be COFF. If an input file is not COFF, the tool runs a conversion tool, either CVTOMF (to convert 32-bit OMF objects) or CVTRES (to convert resource files). This error is preceded by errors or warnings from the conversion tool. One of the following may be a cause:

Linker Tools Error LNK1127
library is corrupt
The library file is corrupt. Rebuild the library.

Linker Tools Error LNK1129
cannot find resolution for weak extern symbol
The given weak external symbol does not have a default resolution. Probably the symbol table is corrupt. Rebuild the object file. See Corrupt Object File for more information.

Linker Tools Error LNK1130
Linker miscalc (base relocations off by number)
There was not enough space in the image to write base relocations.

Linker Tools Error LNK1131
no library file specified
The LIB /EXTRACT command required a library as input, but a library filename was not specified.

Linker Tools Error LNK1132
invalid format for MS-DOS stub file "filename"
The filename specified with the /STUB option was not a valid real-mode MS-DOS executable (.EXE) file.

Linker Tools Error LNK1136
invalid or corrupt file
The input file either has a corrupt header or is zero size or abnormally small. See Corrupt Object File for more information.

Linker Tools Error LNK1137
invalid argument specified with /SECTION
Either the name or the attributes argument to the /SECTION option is specified incorrectly.

Linker Tools Error LNK1140
too many modules for program database; relink with /PDB:NONE
The project contains more than 4096 modules. One of the following is a solution:

Linker Tools Error LNK1141
failure during build of exports file
LINK could not build the exports (.EXP) file. Causes of this error include system problems such as insufficient memory and syntax errors in options or module-definition statements. This error is preceded by another error that gives additional information.

Linker Tools Error LNK1143
invalid or corrupt file: no symbol for COMDAT section number
The object file is corrupt. Rebuild the file. See Corrupt Object File for more information.

Linker Tools Error LNK1144
error with LINK_REPRO var; cannot open "filename"
The linker could not create filename. One of the following may be a cause:

Linker Tools Error LNK1145
/MERGE created circular link for section "section"
You attempted to merge a section into itself. Check the /MERGE options.

Linker Tools Error LNK1146
no argument specified with option "option"
The given option requires an argument.

Linker Tools Error LNK1147
invalid number specified with option "option"
The argument to the given option was specified incorrectly.

Linker Tools Error LNK1148
failure during conversion to COFF: cannot copy temp file filename
EDITBIN could not convert the input file to COFF. When EDITBIN converts a file, it creates a temporary file, then copies the file. One of the following may be a cause:

Linker Tools Error LNK1149
output filename matches input filename "filename"
The output filename specified with the /OUT or /IMPLIB option was the same as an input file.

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