Linker Warnings LNK4102 to LNK4549

Linker Tools Warning LNK4102
export of deleting destructor symbol name; image may not run correctly
The program has attempted to export a deleting destructor. The resulting delete may occur across a DLL boundary such that a process can free memory that it does not own. Make sure that the given symbol is not listed in your .DEF file, and that the symbol is not listed as an argument of the /IMPORT or /EXPORT option in the linker command line.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4103
import of deleting destructor "symbol name"; image may not run correctly
The program has attempted to import a deleting destructor. The resulting delete may occur across a DLL boundary such that a process can free memory that it does not own. Make sure that the given symbol is not listed in your .DEF file, and that the symbol is not listed as an argument of the /IMPORT or /EXPORT option in the linker command line.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4104
export of symbol "symbol" should be PRIVATE
The symbol can be one of the following:

This warning is emitted when you are building an import library for a DLL and export one of the above functions without specifying it as PRIVATE in the module-definition file. In general these functions are exported for use only by OLE. Placing them in the import library can lead to unusual behavior when a program linked to the library incorrectly makes calls to them.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4105
no argument specified with option option; ignoring switch
This warning occurs only when the /LIBPATH option is set. If no directory is specified with this option, then the linker ignores this option and generates this warning message. If you do not need to override the existing environmental library settings, remove the /LIBPATH option from the linker command line. If you want to use an alternate search path for libraries, specify the alternate path following the /LIBPATH option. For example: link /libpath:c:\foo\lib bar.obj would direct the linker to search for the required libraries in c:\foo\lib before searching in the default locations.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4106
"section name" section discarded due to "option" specification
The option caused the linker to discard the section.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4107
"/option" not supported by this version of MSPDBxx.DLL; ignored
MSPDBxx.DLL does not support the specified option.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4108
/ALIGN specified without /DRIVER or /VXD; image may not run
The /ALIGN option has been specified without also specifying either /DRIVER or /VXD. Bad alignment can prevent the operating system from loading the final image. Do not use the /ALIGN option unless building a driver or vxd.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4194
/DELAYLOAD:dll name ignored
The linker cannot delay load the requested DLL.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4195
unable to load dll name
The linker could not load the requested DLL.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4197
export "exportname" specified multiple times; using first specification
An export is specified in multiple, different ways. The linker uses the first specification and ignores the rest. Perhaps the same export is specified both on the command line (via export:) and in the .def file or listed twice in the .def file with different attributes. If an export is specified exactly the same way multiple times, the linker will not issue a warning.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4198
base key "keyname" not found - using default
The keyname, specified in a /BASE option, does not appear in the base address file.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4199
/DELAYLOAD:dllname ignored; no imports found from dllname
The linker ignores dllname because it does not need any of the functions that dllname exports.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4200
corrupt line number information in object file; ignored
The line number information in the object file has become corrupted. Rebuild.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4543
Section "section" with invalid attributes ignored
The linker could not determine the type of section and ignored it. Valid types for sections include text, data, bss, and rdata.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4544
Symbol "symbol" specified with /IMPORT not referenced in application - ignored
You specified a symbol with the /IMPORT option but it was not referenced in your program so the linker ignored it.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4545
Container "container" specified with /IMPORT not referenced in application - ignored
You specified an import library (container) with the /IMPORT option, but your program did not reference the library. The linker ignored the container.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4546
Mismatch in versions detected. Container may not load. Use /VERBOSE for details.
The linker detected a problem with versions in your import libraries (containers). To find out which container (and its version number) is causing the problem, rerun LINK with the /VERBOSE option.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4547
Setting "versiontype" to version
The linker set versiontype to version. Possible values for versiontype are CURRENTVER, OLDCODEVER, and OLDAPIVER.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4548
Ignoring "versiontype" version
The linker ignored version information of versiontype. The possible values of versiontype are CURRENTVER, OLDCODEVER, and OLDAPIVER.

Linker Tools Warning LNK4549
shared library "library" does not have any exports
The shared library was ignored since it contained no exports.

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