NMAKE Error U1000 through U1050

The following topics cover NMAKE Error U1000 through U1049:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1000
syntax error : ')' missing in macro invocation
A left parenthesis, (, appeared without a matching right parenthesis, ), in a macro invocation. The correct form is $(name); $n is allowed for one-character names.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1001
syntax error : illegal character 'character' in macro
The given character appeared in a macro but was not a letter, number, or underscore (_). If the colon (:) is omitted in a macro expansion, the following error occurs: syntax error : illegal character '=' in macro

NMAKE Fatal Error U1002
syntax error : invalid macro invocation '$'
A single dollar sign ($) appeared without a macro name associated with it. The correct form is $(name). To specify a dollar sign, use a double dollar sign ($$) or precede the dollar sign with a caret (^).

NMAKE Fatal Error U1003
syntax error : '=' missing in macro
A macro invocation contained a colon (:), which begins a substitution, but it did not contain an equal sign (=). The correct form is:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1004
syntax error : macro name missing
One of the following occurred:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1005
syntax error : text must follow ':' in macro

A string substitution was specified for a macro, but the string to be changed in the macro was not specified.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1006
syntax error : missing closing double quotation mark

An opening double quotation mark (") appeared without a closing double quotation mark.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1007
double quotation mark not allowed in name

The specified target name or filename contained a double quotation mark ("). Double quotation marks can surround a filename but cannot be contained within it.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1017
unknown directive '!directive'

The specified directive is not one of the recognized directives.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1018
directive and/or expression part missing

The directive was incompletely specified. The expression part of the directive is required.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1019
too many nested !IF blocks
The limit on nesting of !IF directives was exceeded. The !IF preprocessing directives include !IF, !IFDEF, !IFNDEF, !ELSE IF, !ELSE IFDEF, and !ELSE IFNDEF.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1020
end-of-file found before next directive

An expected directive was missing. For example, an !IF was not followed by an !ENDIF.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1021
syntax error : !ELSE unexpected
An !ELSE directive was found that was not preceded by an !IF directive, or the directive was placed in a syntactically incorrect place. The !IF preprocessing directives include !IF, !IFDEF, !IFNDEF, !ELSE IF, !ELSE IFDEF, and !ELSE IFNDEF.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1022
missing terminating character for string/program invocation : 'char'
One of the following occurred:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1023
syntax error in expression

An expression was invalid. Check the allowed operators and operator precedence.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1024
illegal argument to !CMDSWITCHES

An unrecognized command switch was specified.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1025
syntax error : !ENDIF unexpected

An !ENDIF directive was found that was not preceded by an !IF directive, or the directive was placed in a syntactically incorrect place. The !IF preprocessing directives include !IF, !IFDEF, !IFNDEF, !ELSE IF, !ELSE IFDEF, and !ELSE IFNDEF.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1031
filename missing (or macro is null)

An !INCLUDE directive was found, but the name of the file to be included was missing or a macro representing the filename expanded to nothing.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1033
syntax error : 'string' unexpected

The given string is not part of the valid syntax for a makefile. The following are examples of causes and results of this error:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1034
syntax error : separator missing

The colon (:) that separates targets and dependents is missing.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1035
syntax error : expected ':' or '=' separator

Either a colon (:) or an equal sign (=) was expected. Possible causes include the following:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1036
syntax error : too many names to left of '='

Only one string is allowed to the left of a macro definition.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1037
syntax error : target name missing

A colon (:) was found before a target name was found. At least one target is required.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1038
internal error : lexer

Note the circumstances of the error, try to isolate the problem, create a reproducible test case, and report to technical support.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1039
internal error : parser

Note the circumstances of the error, try to isolate the problem, create a reproducible test case, and report to technical support.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1040
internal error : macro expansion

Note the circumstances of the error, try to isolate the problem, create a reproducible test case, and report to technical support.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1041
internal error : target building

Note the circumstances of the error, try to isolate the problem, create a reproducible test case, and report to technical support.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1042
internal error : expression stack overflow

Note the circumstances of the error, try to isolate the problem, create a reproducible test case, and report to technical support.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1043
internal error : temp file limit exceeded

Note the circumstances of the error, try to isolate the problem, create a reproducible test case, and report to technical support.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1045
spawn failed : message

A program or command called by NMAKE failed for the given reason.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1047
argument before ')' expands to nothing

The parentheses following the preprocessing operator DEFINED or EXIST either were empty or contained an argument that evaluated to a null string.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1048
cannot write to file 'filename'

NMAKE could not write to the given file. One cause of this error is a read-only file specified with /X.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1049
macro or inline file too long (maximum : 64K)

An inline file or a macro exceeded the limit of 64K.

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