NMAKE Error U1050 through U1100

The following topics cover NMAKE Error U1050 through U1100:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1050

The message specified with the !ERROR directive was displayed.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1051
out of memory

NMAKE ran out of memory, including virtual memory, because the makefile was too large or complex. One of the following may be a solution:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1052
file 'filename' not found

NMAKE could not find the given file, which was specified with one of the following:

Check that the file exists and the filename is spelled correctly.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1053
file 'filename' unreadable

The file cannot be read. One of the following may be a cause:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1054
cannot create inline file 'filename'

NMAKE failed to create the given inline file. One of the following may be a cause:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1055
out of environment space

The operating system ran out of room for environment variables. Either increase the environment space or set fewer environment variables.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1056
cannot find command processor

The command processor was not in the path specified in the COMSPEC or PATH environment variables. NMAKE uses COMMAND.COM or CMD.EXE as a command processor when executing commands. It looks for the command processor first in the path set in COMSPEC. If COMSPEC does not exist, NMAKE searches the directories specified in PATH.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1057
cannot delete temporary file 'filename'

NMAKE failed to delete the temporary inline file.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1058
terminated by user

NMAKE was halted by Ctrl+C or Ctrl+BREAK.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1059
syntax error : '}' missing in dependent

A search path for a dependent was incorrectly specified. Either a space existed in the path or the closing brace (}) was omitted. The syntax for a directory specification for a dependent is {directories}dependent where directories specifies one or more paths, each separated by a semicolon (;). No spaces are allowed. If part or all of a search path is replaced by a macro, make sure no spaces exist in the macro expansion.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1060
unable to close file : 'filename'

NMAKE encountered an error while closing a file. One of the following may be a cause:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1061
/F option requires a filename

The /F command-line option must be followed by either a makefile name or a dash (-), which represents standard input.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1062
missing filename with /X option

The /X command-line option requires the name of the file to which diagnostic error output should be redirected. To use standard output, specify a dash (-) as the output filename.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1063
missing macro name before '='

A macro definition on the NMAKE command line contained an equal sign (=) without a preceding name. This error can occur if the macro name being defined is itself a macro that expands to nothing.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1064
MAKEFILE not found and no target specified

The NMAKE command line did not specify a makefile or a target, and the current directory did not contain a file named MAKEFILE. NMAKE requires either a makefile or a command-line target (or both). To make a makefile available to NMAKE, either specify the /F option or place a file named MAKEFILE in the current directory. NMAKE can create a command-line target by using an inference rule if a makefile is not provided.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1065
invalid option 'option'

The specified option is not a valid option for NMAKE.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1069
no match found for wildcard 'filename'

There is no file that matches the given filename, which was specified using one or more wildcards (* and ?). A target file that is specified using a wildcard must exist on disk.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1070
cycle in macro definition 'macroname'

The given macro definition contained a macro whose definition contained the given macro. Circular macro definitions are invalid. For example, the following macro definitions:


cause the following error:

cycle in macro definition 'TWO'

NMAKE Fatal Error U1071
cycle in dependency tree for target 'targetname'

A circular dependency exists in the dependency tree for the given target. The given target is a dependent of one of the dependents of the given target. Circular dependencies are invalid.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1072
cycle in include files : 'filename'

The given file includes a file that eventually includes the given file. Inclusions (using the !INCLUDE preprocessing directive) cannot be circular.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1073
don't know how to make 'targetname'

The specified target does not exist, and there is no command to execute or inference rule to apply. One of the following may be a solution:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1076
name too long

A string exceeded one of the following limits:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1077
'program' : return code 'value'

The given command or program called by NMAKE failed and returned the given exit code. To suppress this error and continue the NMAKE session, use the /I option, the .IGNORE dot directive, or the dash (-) command modifier. To continue the NMAKE session for unrelated parts of the dependency tree, use the /K option.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1078
constant overflow at 'expression'

The given expression contained a constant that exceeded the range - 2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. The constant appeared in one of the following situations:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1079
illegal expression : divide by zero

An expression tried to divide by zero.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1080
operator and/or operand usage illegal

The expression incorrectly used an operator or operand. Check the allowed set of operators and their order of precedence.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1081
'filename' : program not found

NMAKE could not find the given program in order to run it. Make sure that the program is in a directory specified in the PATH environment variable and is not misspelled.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1082
'command' : cannot execute command; out of memory

There is not enough memory to execute the given command. One solution is to use the /N option to generate a batch file, then run the batch file instead of using NMAKE. In most cases the results will be the same.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1083
target macro 'target' expands to nothing

The given target is an invocation of a macro that has not been defined or has a null value. NMAKE cannot process a null target.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1084
cannot create temporary file 'filename'

NMAKE was unable to create the temporary file it needs when it processes the makefile. One of the following may be a cause:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1085
cannot mix implicit and explicit rules

A target and a pair of inference-rule extensions were specified on the same line. Targets cannot be named in inference rules.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1086
inference rule cannot have dependents

The colon (:) in an inference rule must be followed by one of the following:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1087
cannot have : and :: dependents for same target

A target cannot be specified in both a single-colon (:) and a double-colon (::) dependency. To specify a target in multiple description blocks, use :: in each dependency line.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1088
invalid separator '::' on inference rule

An inference rule must be followed by a single colon (:).

NMAKE Fatal Error U1089
cannot have build commands for directive 'targetname'

Dot directives cannot be followed by commands. The dot directives are .IGNORE, .PRECIOUS, .SILENT, and .SUFFIXES.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1090
cannot have dependents for directive 'targetname'

Dot directives cannot be followed by dependents. The dot directives are .IGNORE, .PRECIOUS, .SILENT, and .SUFFIXES.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1092
too many names in rule

An inference rule cannot specify more than two extensions.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1093
cannot mix dot directives

Multiple dot directives cannot be specified on one line. The dot directives are .IGNORE, .PRECIOUS, .SILENT, and .SUFFIXES.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1094
syntax error : only (NO)KEEP allowed here

Something other than KEEP or NOKEEP appeared after the closing set of angle brackets (<<) specifying an inline file. Only KEEP, NOKEEP, or a newline character may follow the angle brackets. No spaces, tabs, or other characters may appear. KEEP preserves the inline file on disk. NOKEEP deletes the file after the NMAKE session. The default is NOKEEP.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1095
expanded command line 'commandline' too long

After macro expansion, the given command line exceeded the limit on length of command lines for the operating system. If the command is for a program that can accept command-line input from a file, change the command and supply input from either a file on disk or an inline file. For example, LINK and LIB accept input from a response file.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1096
cannot open inline file 'filename'

NMAKE could not create the given inline file. One of the following occurred:

NMAKE Fatal Error U1097
filename-parts syntax requires dependent

The current dependency does not have either an explicit dependent or an implicit dependent. Filename-parts syntax, which uses the percent (%) specifier, represents components of the first dependent of the current target.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1098
illegal filename-parts syntax in 'string'

The given string does not contain valid filename-parts syntax.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1099
stack overflow

The makefile being processed was too complex for the current stack allocation in NMAKE. NMAKE has an allocation of 0x3000 (12K). To increase NMAKE's stack allocation, run the EDITBIN utility with a larger stack option: EDITBIN /STACK:stacksize NMAKE.EXE where  stacksize is a number greater than the current stack allocation in NMAKE.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1100
macro 'macroname' is illegal in the context of batch rule 'rule'

NMAKE generates this error when the command block of a batch-mode rule directly or indirectly references a special file macro that is not $<. $< is the only allowed macro for batch-mode rules.

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