NMAKE Error U2001 through Warning U4011

The following topics cover NMAKE Error U2001 through Warning U4011:

NMAKE Error U2001
no more file handles (too many files open)

NMAKE could not find a free file handle. One of the following may be a solution:

NMAKE Warning U4001
command file can be invoked only from command line

A command file, which is invoked by the at-sign (@) specifier, cannot contain a specification for another command file. Such nesting is not allowed. The specification was ignored.

NMAKE Warning U4002
resetting value of special macro 'macroname'

The given predefined macro was redefined.

NMAKE Warning U4004
too many rules for target 'targetname'

More than one description block was specified for the given target using single colons (:) as separators. NMAKE executed the commands in the first description block and ignored later blocks. To specify the same target in multiple dependencies, use double colons (::) as the separator in each dependency line.

NMAKE Warning U4005
ignoring rule 'rule' (extension not in .SUFFIXES)

The given rule contained a suffix that is not specified in the .SUFFIXES list. NMAKE ignored the rule. This warning appears only when the /P option is used.

NMAKE Warning U4006
special macro undefined : 'macroname'

The given special macro name is undefined and expands to nothing.

NMAKE Warning U4007
filename 'filename' too long; truncating to 8.3

The base name of the given file has more than eight characters, or the extension has more than three characters. NMAKE truncated the name to an eight-character base and a three-character extension. If long filenames are supported by your file system, enclose the name in double quotation marks (").

NMAKE Warning U4008
removed target 'target'

NMAKE was interrupted while trying to build the given target, and the target file was incomplete. Because the target was not specified in the .PRECIOUS list, NMAKE deleted the file.

NMAKE Warning U4010
'target' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...

A command in the commands block for the given target returned a nonzero exit code. The /K option told NMAKE to continue processing unrelated parts of the build and to issue an exit code 1 when the NMAKE session is finished. If the given target is itself a dependent for another target, NMAKE issues warning U4011 after this warning.

NMAKE Warning U4011
'target' : not all dependents available; target not built

A dependent of the given target either did not exist or was out-of-date, and a command for updating the dependent returned a nonzero exit code. The /K option told NMAKE to continue processing unrelated parts of the build and to issue an exit code 1 when the NMAKE session is finished. This warning is preceded by warning U4010 for each dependent that failed to be created or updated.

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