Resource Compiler Errors RC2130 through RC2236

Resource Compiler Error RC2130
#line expected a string containing the file name, found 'token'

A #line directive was missing a required filename.

Resource Compiler Error RC2131
expecting quoted string for key

The field for this statement must be a character string enclosed in double quotation marks.

Resource Compiler Error RC2132
expected VALUE, BLOCK, or, END keyword

A block in a VERSION resource doesn't end properly, or a new block doesn't begin properly. This results in a VERSION statement that is not a valid block.

Resource Compiler Error RC2133
unexpected value in value data

The raw-data values in the RCDATA statement must be integers or strings, each separated by a comma. Make sure you did not leave out a comma or leave out a quotation mark around a string.

Resource Compiler Error RC2134
BEGIN expected in RCDATA

The BEGIN keyword must immediately follow the RCDATA keyword.

Resource Compiler Error RC2135
file not found: filename

The file specified in the RC command line was not found. Check to see whether the file has been moved to another directory and whether the filename or path is typed correctly. Files are searched for using the INCLUDE environment variable or the visual development environment INCLUDE directory setting (Tools menu, Options item, Directories tab).

Resource Compiler Error RC2136
missing '=' in EXSTYLE=<flags>

An equal sign (=) was missing from an EXSTYLE (Extended Style Flags) statement. When the EXSTYLE is embedded in the DIALOG or MENU statement it must have the following form: EXSTYLE=FLAGS

Resource Compiler Error RC2137
empty character constant

A pair of single quotes was found with no character specified between them.

Resource Compiler Error RC2138
unmatched close comment '/*'

An open comment sequence (/*) was not matched with a close comment sequence (*/) This error can be caused by nesting comments.

Resource Compiler Error RC2139
VERSION not a number

A VERSION resource must be a number.

Resource Compiler Error RC2140

A CHARACTERISTICS resource must be a number.

Resource Compiler Error RC2141
invalid type

A different type was expected.

Resource Compiler Error RC2142
ellipsis requires three periods

An incorrect number of periods (.) was used in an ellipsis.

Resource Compiler Error RC2143
font names must be ordinals

The pointsize field in the FONT statement must be an integer, not a string.

Resource Compiler Error RC2144

The PRIMARY LANGUAGE ID must be a hexadecimal language ID. See Language and Country Strings in the online documentation for a list of valid Language IDs.

Resource Compiler Error RC2145

The PRIMARY LANGUAGE ID must be a valid hexadecimal language ID. See Language and Country Strings in the Ronline documentation for a list of valid Language IDs.

Resource Compiler Error RC2146
missing COMMA in LANGUAGE statement

The comma separating the primary language and secondary language is missing. The LANGUAGE statement must use the following syntax: LANGUAGE primary_language_ID,secondary_language_ID

Resource Compiler Error RC2147
SUBLANGUAGE ID not a number

The SUBLANGUAGE ID value must be a number. The LANGUAGE statement must use the following syntax: LANGUAGE primary_language_ID,secondary_language_ID
Valid SUBLANGUAGE IDs are defined as SUBLANG_ constants in the WINNT.H file.

Resource Compiler Error RC2148

The SUBLANGUAGE ID value was out of range. The LANGUAGE statement must use the following syntax: LANGUAGE primary_language_ID,secondary_language_ID
Valid SUBLANGUAGE IDs are defined as SUBLANG_ constants in the WINNT.H file.

Resource Compiler Error RC2149
expected numeric constant in string table

A numeric constant, defined in a #define statement, must immediately follow the BEGIN keyword in a STRINGTABLE statement.

Resource Compiler Error RC2150
expected string in STRINGTABLE

A string is expected after each stringid value in a STRINGTABLE statement.

Resource Compiler Error RC2151
cannot re-use string constants

You are using the same value twice in a STRINGTABLE statement. Make sure you are not mixing overlapping decimal and hexadecimal values. Each ID in a STRINGTABLE must be unique. For maximum efficiency use contiguous constants that start on a multiple of 16.

Resource Compiler Error RC2152
invalid control character

A control character in the ACCELERATORS statement is invalid. A valid control character consists of one letter (only) following a caret (^).

Resource Compiler Error RC2153
hex constants must have at least 1 hex digit

An empty hexadecimal constant was found.

Resource Compiler Error RC2154
control character out of range [^A - ^Z]

A control character in the ACCELERATORS statement is invalid. The character following the caret (^) must be between A and Z, inclusive.

Resource Compiler Error RC2155
invalid accelerator

An event field in the ACCELERATORS statement was not recognized or was more than two characters in length.

Resource Compiler Error RC2156
expected string or constant accelerator command

RC was not able to determine what kind of key is being set up for the accelerator. The event field in the ACCELERATORS statement might be invalid.

Resource Compiler Error RC2157
expected comma in accelerator table

The Resource Compiler requires a comma between the event and idvalue fields in the ACCELERATORS statement.

Resource Compiler Error RC2159
invalid accelerator type [ASCII or VIRTKEY]

The type field in the ACCELERATORS statement must contain either the ASCII or VIRTKEY value.

Resource Compiler Error RC2160
## cannot occur at the beginning of a macro definition

A macro definition began with a token-pasting operator (##).

Resource Compiler Error RC2161
## cannot occur at the end of a macro definition

A macro definition ended with a token-pasting operator (##).

Resource Compiler Error RC2162
expected macro formal parameter

The token following a stringizing operator (#) was not a formal parameter name.

Resource Compiler Error RC2163
accelerator type required [ASCII or VIRTKEY]

The type field in the ACCELERATORS statement must contain either the ASCII or VIRTKEY value.

Resource Compiler Error RC2164
unexpected value in RCDATA

The raw-data values in the RCDATA statement must be integers or strings, each separated by a comma. Make sure you did not leave out a comma or leave out a quotation mark around a string.

Resource Compiler Error RC2165
string not found in DLGINCLUDE statement

The statement did not specify a valid include file. The DLGINCLUDE statement must use the following syntax:
DLGINCLUDE "filename.h"

Resource Compiler Error RC2166
numeric value expected at line

The resource on the specified line must be a numeric value.

Resource Compiler Error RC2167
unrecognized VERSIONINFO field; BEGIN or comma expected

An unrecognized field was found in the FIXED part of a VERSIONINFO structure declaration. A VERSIONINFO field must be DWORDS separated by a comma.

Resource Compiler Error RC2168
resource too large

The size limitation of a resource was exceeded. This limit does not apply to cursors, icons, bitmaps, or other file-based resources.

Resource Compiler Error RC2169
resource file filename is not in 2.03 format

The specified resource used a format earlier than version 2.03. The resource file must be converted or re-created using the format for version 3.00 or later.

Resource Compiler Error RC2170
bitmap file filename is not in 3.00 format

Bitmaps using the Windows version 2.x format cannot be used in version 3.x resource files. The bitmap must be redrawn or converted to 3.x format.

Resource Compiler Error RC2171
unknown DIB header format

The bitmap header is not a BITMAPCOREHEADER or BITMAPINFOHEADER structure.

Resource Compiler Error RC2174
bitmap file filename is not in 2.03 format

A bitmap used a format earlier than version 2.03. The bitmap must be converted or redrawn using the format for version 3.00 or later.

Resource Compiler Error RC2175
resource file filename is not in 3.00 format

The specified resource used a format earlier than version 3.00. The resource file must be converted or recreated using the format for version 3.00 or later.

Resource Compiler Error RC2176
old DIB in filename.

An old format Device Independent Bitmap was found in the specified file. It should be converted to the current format.

Resource Compiler Error RC2177
constant too big

A constant value was too large to be represented in the type to which it was assigned.

Resource Compiler Error RC2180
unable to open temporary file

The Resource Compiler was unable to open a temporary file. The probable cause is either that you do not have write permissions for the directory, or that the directory does not exist. The Resource Compiler attempts to use these files in the directory specified by the TMP (or GetSystemTempDirectory) environment variable or the current directory if none is specified.

Resource Compiler Error RC2181
duplicate font ID fontID

The specified font ID was already defined.

Resource Compiler Error RC2189
#error : error

This error is used to display other error messages.

Resource Compiler Error RC2235
too many arguments supplied

An expression contained more formal parameters than expected.

Resource Compiler Error RC2236
required parameter missing

An expression contained fewer formal parameters than expected.

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