Resource Compiler Warnings RC4000 through RC4413

The following topics cover Resource Compiler Warnings RC4000 through RC4413:

Resource Compiler Warning RC4000

Note the circumstances of the warning, try to isolate the problem and create a reproducible test case, then consult the technical-support help file or the technical-support section in one of your manuals.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4002
too many actual parameters for macro 'identifier'

The number of actual parameters specified with the given identifier was greater than the number of formal parameters given in the macro definition of the identifier. The additional actual parameters were collected but ignored during expansion of the macro.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4003
not enough actual parameters for macro 'identifier'

The number of actual parameters specified with the given identifier was less than the number of formal parameters given in the macro definition of the identifier. When a formal parameter is referenced in the definition and the corresponding actual parameter has not been provided, empty text is substituted in the macro expansion.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4004
missing close parenthesis after 'defined'

An opening parenthesis was not matched with a closing parenthesis.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4005
'identifier' : macro redefinition

The given identifier was defined twice. The compiler used the second macro definition. This warning can be caused by defining a macro on the command line and in the code with a #define directive. It also can be caused by macros imported from include files. To eliminate the warning, either remove one of the definitions or use an #undef directive before the second definition.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4006
#undef expected an identifier

The name of the identifier whose definition was to be removed was not given with the #undef directive. The #undef directive was ignored.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4009
string too big, trailing chars truncated

A string was too large to fit in a buffer. Trailing characters were truncated and the remaining string was used.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4011
identifier truncated to 'identifier'

An identifier was too long and was truncated to the name shown in the warning.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4012
float constant in a cross compilation

A float constant may not have the same value on different target platforms.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4067
unexpected characters following 'token' directive - newline expected

A newline character should follow the specified token.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4079
unexpected token 'token'

Check the syntax of the line containing the specified token.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4093
unescaped newline in character constant in inactive code

The constant expression of an #if, #elif, #ifdef, or #ifndef preprocessor directive evaluated to zero, making the code that follows inactive. Within that inactive code, a newline character appeared within a set of single or double quotation marks. All text until the next double quotation mark was considered to be within a character constant.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4111
unexpected token 'string'

Check the syntax of the line containing the specified token.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4117
macro name 'macro' is reserved, macro ignored

The specified macro was given a reserved name.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4203

In an accelerator table resource, SHIFT or CONTROL require VIRTKEY. Because SHIFT and CONTROL are indicated as flag bits in a VIRTKEY type accelerator, they cannot exist independent from a VIRTKEY.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4204
ASCII character not equivalent to virtual key code

A string literal was used for the virtual key code in a VIRTKEY type accelerator. This warning lets you continue, but be aware that the accelerator keys generated may not match the string you indicated. (VIRTKEYs use different key codes than ASCII accelerators.) While string literals are syntactically valid, you can only ensure that you get the accelerator you want by using the VK_* #define values in WINDOWS.H.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4205
string literal longer than 256 - stored anyway

A literal sting exceeded 256 characters. It was stored intact.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4206
name string too long - truncated at 256

A name string exceeded the limit of 256 characters. It was truncated to 256 characters.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4207
type string too long - truncated at 256

A type string exceeded the limit of 256 characters. It was truncated to 256 characters.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4208
title string too long - truncated at 256

A title string exceeded the limit of 256 characters. It was truncated to 256 characters.

Resource Compiler Warning RC4413
cannot determine file type for 'filename' : assuming 8-bit ASCII

The type of specified file is not known to the Resource Compiler. It was compiled as an 8-bit ASCII file.

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