Problem/Suggestion Reporting Information Reporting Compaq Array Visualizer Problems =========================================== How to report problems and/or suggestions: 1. Please fill out the attached Problem Report form. 2. Send the problem report to the Fortran Team using one of the following methods: * Email the problem report to the following Internet address: * Mail the problem report to the following address: Attn: Compaq Fortran Team Compaq Corporation 110 Spit Brook Road ZK02-3/N30 Nashua, NH 03062-2698 You may not receive a personal reply to your report, but we appreciate your input on the product. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compaq Array Visualizer V1.6 Problem Report Form Contact Name : Company Name : Voice Phone Number: ( ) - - Fax Phone Number : ( ) - - Internet Address : CompuServe ID : ----------------------- PROBLEM INFORMATION -------------------------------- Problem Description: Select one or more to indicate how severe the problem is: [ ] Array Viewer crashes or hangs [ ] Array Viewer displays incorrect data [ ] Program crashes or hangs [ ] Program gets incorrect results at run time [ ] Appearance or usability issue [ ] Suggestion or documentation error Select one to indicate if the problem is reproducible: [ ] Always [ ] Never [ ] Sometimes [ ] Didn't try to reproduce it Steps to reproduce the problem: (Attach code if applicable.) Have you found a workaround for this problem? [ ] Yes [ ] No If 'yes', please describe the workaround. --------------------------- SYSTEM INFORMATION ----------------------------- Operating System Version: (run WINVER or WINMSD to find this information) Memory (RAM) : (run WINVER or WINMSD to find this information) Processor : (run WINVER or WINMSD to find this information) Porting code from : Version info: (To obtain the version number, Start Array Viewer, load any data file, and Select Help, About. Please supply the full information that is shown.) Environment - Please supply the output of the SET command: (SET > SAVE.TXT will direct the output of the SET command to SAVE.TXT.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Comments: