Compaq Array Viewer First Information This kit contains the Compaq Array Viewer. The viewer will operate on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95, and Windows 98. Please read the release notes which are installed into [..\Program Files\ArrayVisualizer..]\RELNOTES.TXT. The rest of the Readme file is a step by step walk-thru of how to use the Compaq Array Viewer to read and display AGL and HDF data files. After you install Compaq Array Viewer, start the Array Viewer by performing the following steps: 1. From the Start menu, select Programs. 2. Select Compaq Array Visualizer 1.6 to display the items installed. 3. Select Array Viewer. To view an AGL or HDF data file: 1. From the File menu of the Array Viewer, select Open to bring up the Open dialog box. 2. Click on the "Files of type" drop-down list box to choose the file type "Data Files (*.agl;*.hdf )". 3. Select the folder and the data file you want to view, double-click on the file name. (Sample data files are installed by default in the directory: Program Files\ArrayVisualizer\Samples\Data.) 4. The Array Viewer is now displaying the data file. You can try different options or commands to change the viewing of the data file. Example 1 and Example 2 below will guide you through using some of the commands in the Array Viewer. 5. After you are done viewing a data file, you can exit the Array Viewer, or go back to step one to open another data file for viewing. The following examples sometimes refer to toolbar buttons which are shortcuts for frequently used commands. To find out the command a toolbar button is associated with, position the mouse on the toolbar button for a certain interval, text will be displayed in a little ToolTip box next to the button. Example 1: viewing Mandel.agl o After you open the sample file Mandel.agl in the Array Viewer, an Annotation pop-up dialog box will be shown. The annotation dialog describes the data file and is an optional component of the AGL file. Click OK or Cancel to exit the annotation dialog box. o The Array Viewer displays the array data in two adjustable panes: a Data Window and a Graph Window. Select the Split command in the View menu to adjust the size of the two panes. o The Data Window shows the numeric values of the array data. You can scroll the Data Window vertically or horizontally to see all data of the array. o The Graph Window displays the array data in graphical form. You can change the current display graph type by clicking one of the graph type buttons on the toolbar: Height Plot, Image Map, Vector Graph, or (if applicable) Plane View. o In the Height Plot Graph or the Vector Graph view, you can rotate the graph by pressing down and dragging the left mouse button in the Graph Window. o You can use zooming in any graph type by positioning the cursor in the graph and selecting Zoom In or Zoom Out from the View menu. o There is a color palette associated with each graph image. You can choose to show or hide the legend for the palette in the Graph Window by clicking on the Palette button on the toolbar. o You can also choose to use a different palette to display the graph. Click on the Palette menu, the drop-down list shows the different palettes you can select to view the graph. Mandel.agl comes with a custom palette, which is pre-selected in the Palette menu. o You can print an image of the graph in the Graph Window by clicking the Print button on the toolbar or by selecting the Print command in the File menu. o You can choose to view only a section of the source array. Select ROI from the Settings menu. In the dialog box that comes up, the Start index 0 and Length 256 of each dimension are the default values which cover the whole index range of the array. You can modify some Start and Length values and click Apply. The graph in the Graph Window will change. o You can move around in Data View or Graph View by using the markers. To display the red marker, click on the Marker button on the toolbar. To move the marker, double-click on the graph, or double-click an array element cell in the Data Window. You can also move the marker by one element at a time by using the cursor keys. o The Array Viewer keeps track of any change in settings that you use to view the file. When you choose to exit the Array Viewer or to open another file, the Array Viewer brings up a dialog box "Save changes to Mandel.agl?". Click on Yes if you want to keep the settings for the next viewing of this file. This feature is currently available for AGL files only. Example 2: viewing Hdfann.hdf o Unlike an AGL data file, a HDF data file may contain multiple objects. For the current release, the objects that can be viewed in the Array Viewer are Scientific Data Sets and 8-Bit Raster Images. Detailed information about HDF can be found at . o After you open the sample file Hdfann.hdf, a File Window will appear on the left in the Array Viewer Window, besides the Data Window and Graph Window that you see when viewing an AGL file. The File Window shows the objects and sub-objects of the file as available for viewing. o Hdfann.hdf has two 8-bit Raster Images with the labels "Raster Image #0" and "Raster Image #1". Click on the + sign next to the icon for Raster Image #0, the tree expands to show a sub-object which is a custom palette with the label "8-bit Image Palette". o There are also two file annotations in the file with the label "File Label 1" and "File Description 1". Click on "File Label 1" to see its content. Click on OK. Click on "File Description 1" to see a description of the file. Click on OK. o Click on "Raster Image #0". The graph for the raster image shows in the Graph Window. You can control the viewing of the object in the same way as you would view an AGL file (see Example 1). o Click on "Raster Image #1". The graph for this raster image will replace the previous one in the Graph Window. o After you are done viewing this data file, exit the Array Viewer or open another file. For more detailed descriptions of the terminology and commands available in the Compaq Array Viewer, look up the online help of the Array Viewer by selecting Help Topics in the Help menu. Copyright © 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation