Compaq Array Visualizer V1.6 -------- Compaq Array Visualizer Release Notes -------- Compaq Array Visualizer Overview and Description of Features The Array Visualizer is a set of software components that enables you to visualize array data interactively. Any integer or real type array of rank 1-7 can be viewed using the array visualizer software. The Array Visualizer also defines a binary file format (.agl) that can be used to save array data for later analysis. Visual Fortran Standard Edition contains only the Compaq Array Viewer. The Array Visualizer consists of: o Compaq Array Viewer The Array Viewer (AViewer) is an executable program that can load and display .agl or .hdf files. Array Viewer displays the array data in two adjustable panes: - The top pane shows a scrollable spreadsheet-style view of the array data. - The bottom pane displays a graphical view of the array data. There are four viewing modes in which the graph can be displayed: - Height Plot displays the array data as a 3D surface where the X and Y dimensions correspond to the array indexes and the array elements are mapped as a displacement in Z. This option is only available for arrays of rank 2 or higher. - Image Map displays the array data as a 2D image where the X and Y dimensions correspond to the array indexes and the array elements are mapped to a color range. This option is only available for arrays of rank 2 or higher. - Vector Graph displays the array data as a series of 2, 3, or 4 component vectors. In this mode an array is viewed as a list of vectors. For example an array declared as M(3, 500) would consist of 500 vectors of the form (x, y, z). The first three components are mapped to the x, y, and z axis. The fourth component (if present), is mapped to a color using the color palette. This option is only available for arrays of rank 2 or higher. - 2D View displays the array data as a conventional 2D graph where the X dimension corresponds to the array index and the array elements are mapped as a displacement in Z. This option is available for arrays of rank 1 or arrays of higher rank but with 10 or fewer rows. o Aview Library The Aview library (aview.lib) is a small set of subroutines that enables any Fortran application to display array data with Array Viewer. The Aview library can also be used to directly save array data to an .agl file for later viewing with the Array Viewer. The AVDef module defines the Fortran interface for the Aview library. There is also a C language interface defined in avdef.h. The \Program Files\ArrayVisualizer\Samples directory includes example programs that use the Aview library. o Avis2D ActiveX Control The Avis2D ActiveX (ocx) control, can be used by any development environment that supports ActiveX controls. For example VC++/MFC or Visual Basic, and now with the 6.1 release, Visual Fortran. The Avis2D control enables the application to display array data, as a height field or image view, within one of its applications windows. The Avis2D control provides more than 100 properties and methods that the application can use to customize its behavior. o AvisGrid ActiveX Control Like the Avis2D control, the AvisGrid control can be used by any development environment that supports ActiveX controls. The AvisGrid control can be used to display array data numerically in a scrollable window. AvisGrid shares many of Avis2D's properties and methods. o Developer Studio Enhancements The Developer Studio debugger now supports the ability to select an array in the watch window and use the Array Viewer to inspect it. The view can be updated to observe changes in the array data as the program executes. There are the following Known Problems and Limitations: Array Viewer o In 256-color mode, the datatip window sometimes reports an incorrect value. HDF o The Array Viewer cannot save files in the HDF format. AView Library o Reading an .agl file is not supported. New Features/Bug Fixes 1.6 release: o A problem in the Array Viewer has been fixed where a program exception might occur when viewing an HDF file if a dimension scale of a dataset has the same name as the dataset. 1.6 (beta2) release: o 8 byte integer types are now supported. o A workaround for a Microsoft OpenGl bug that effects W2K systems (cf: MS KB Q272222) has been implemented o The following C++ methods have been added to the Aview library: CAViewer::GetModifiedFlag, CAViewer::SetModifiedFlag, and CAViewer::IsVisible; see Array Visualizer documentation for details. o The following Fortran routines have been added to the Aview library: favGetModifiedFlag, fagSetModifiedFlag, and favIsVisible; see the Array Visualizer documentation for details. 1.6 (beta1) release: o Array Visualizer T1.6T updates Array Visualizer v1.5A. o Alpha users should be aware that support for Windows NT Alpha systems ended December 31, 2000. Releases of Visual Fortran after Version 6.5 and Compaq Array Visualizer after Version 1.5 will no longer support Windows NT Alpha systems. 1.5A release: o Array Visualizer v1.5A updates Array Visualizer v1.5. o A problem in the 1.5 release has been fixed where a program exception might occur if special ASCII characters were used in axis labels. 1.5 release: o A problem with negative length values in the ROI settings dialog for large arrays has been fixed. o Array Visualizer v1.5 replaces Array Visualizer v1.1A. There are no released versions of Array Visualizer numbered 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4. 1.2 (beta2) release: o The Array Viewer now has a file menu option to load a data file from an Internet URL. o The Array Viewer Options dialog now has a check box to enable editing properties through the Data and Graph View's property pages. This allows setting some options (such as line width) that aren't accessible through the Settings menu entries. However, changes made in this manner won't be retained if the array is saved as an AGL file. o Changes have been made to the Avis2D and AvisGrid controls to enable them to be used inside html pages. o A resource leak in Array Viewer that occurred on Windows 95 and 98 systems has been fixed. o The Array Viewer (and Avis2D control) now use software based OpenGL rendering as the default. We've found that many graphics adapters don't support OpenGL correctly, resulting in rendering artifacts or crashes. If your adapter does support OpenGL acceleration and is reliable, you can enable it by checking the Checkbox in the Array Viewer Options dialog and restarting Array Viewer. 1.2 (beta1) release: o Printing from Array Viewer has been improved. o Axis tickmark labels now always have fixed increments. o HDF release 4.1r3 is now used by Array Viewer to display HDF files. o A resource leak in the AnimWin32 sample has been fixed. o The graph view in Array Viewer (and the Avis2D control) now changes the cursor to indicate when the view is being change. o Axis settings dialog now displays correct axis/dim name. o The Array Viewer Options dialog, now has a checkbox that can be used to turn off OpenGL hardware acceleration and use the generic GDI OpenGL drivers instead. o COMINITIALIZE is no longer required for QuickWin programs that use the AView library. o The Palette Editor now allows spline curves to be used when editing palette colors. o Height Plot graphs now use 1D textures by default. o Barchart style for Height Plot graphs has been enhanced and a problem with printing has been fixed. o Logical and Complex arrays can now be viewed with Array Viewer from the Visual Fortran debugger and can also used as arguments to faglStartWatch, faglShow, etc. o The HDF libraries are no longer provided on the Array Visualizer CD. The latest version of the HDF libraries can be downloaded from: Copyright © 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation