Invokes Compaq Fortran preprocessor, Compaq Fortran compiler, and linker. f77 [options] file1 [file2...] [/link options] Compiler Options /annotations:keyword Requests that annotations be added to the source listing indicating which of a set of optimizations applied to particular parts of the source. Keywords are all, none, [no]code, [no]detail, [no]feedback, [no]inlining, [no]loop_transforms, [no]loop_unrolling, [no]prefetching, [no]shrinkwrapping, [no]pipelining, [no]tail_calls, [no]tail_recursion /align:keyword Specifies how data items are aligned. Keywords are [no]commons, dcommons, [no]records, rec1byte, rec2byte, rec4byte, rec8byte, sequence. /[no]altparam Specifies if alternate form of parameter constant declarations (without parenthesis) is recognized. /architecture:keyword Specifies which version of the machine architecture to generate instructions for. On IA32, keyword is generic, host, pn1, pn2, pn3, pn4, k6, k6_2, and k7. The latter three support AMD CPUs. On IA64, keyword is generic. /[no]asmattr:keyword Specifies the information to generate in the assembleable listing file. Keywords are [no]source, [no]machine. /[no]asmfile[:filename] Specifies that an assembleable listing file should be generated. /assume:keyword Specifies assumptions made by the optimizer and code generator. Keywords are none, [no]accuracy_sensitive, [no]byterecl, [no]buffered_io, [no]dummy_aliases, [no]minus0, [no]protect_constants, [no]source_include, [no]underscore. /[no]automatic Puts local variables on the run-time stack. /bintext:string Places the string specified into the object file. /[no]browser[:filename] Specifies that source browser information should be generated. /ccdefault:keyword Specifies default carriage control for units 6 and *. Keywords are default, fortran, list, or none. /[no]check:keyword Check run-time conditions. Keywords are all, none, [no]arg_temp_created, [no]bounds, [no]flawed_pentium, [no]format, [no]overflow, [no]output_conversion, [no]power, [no]underflow. /[no]compile_only Specifies that only the compilation phase is performed. /convert:keyword Specifies the format of unformatted files containing numeric data. Keyword is big_endian, cray, ibm, little_endian, native, vaxd, vaxg. /cxml Provided for documentation purposes only. /[no]d_lines Compile lines having a D or d character in column 1. /[no]dbglibs Controls linking against debug C run-time library /[no]debug:keyword Specifies the amount of debug information included. Keyword is none, minimal, partial, full. /define:symbol[=value] Defines the symbol specified for use with conditional compilation metacommands. Optionally, the symbol can be defined to be an integer or string value. /[no]dll[:filename] Specifies that the program should be linked as a dynamic-link (DLL) file. /[no]error_limit:size Specifies the maximum number of error-level or fatal-level compiler errors allowed. /[no]exe[:filename] Specifies the name to be used for the built program (.EXE) or dynamic-link (.DLL) library. /extfor:ext Specifies file extensions to be processed as Fortran source programs. /[no]extend_source[:size] Determines the column that ends the statement field of each source line in a fixed-format file. /Extend_source ends the source in column 132. Size is 72, 80, 132. /f66 Allows extensions that enhance FORTRAN-66 compatibility. /[no]f77rtl Specifies that the Fortran 77 specific run-time support should be used. /fast Generates most-optimized code. /[no]fixed Interprets Fortran source files in the specified form. /[no]fltconsistency Specifies that improved floating-point consistency should be used. IA32 only. /[no]fpconstant Extends the precision of single precision constants assigned to double precision variables to double precision. /fpe:option Specifies behavior on floating-point exceptions. Option is 0, 3. /[no]fpscomp[:keyword] Specifies the level of compatibility to adhere to with Fortran PowerStation. Keywords are all, none, [no]filesfromcmd, [no]general, [no]ioformat, [no]ldio_spacing, [no]libs, [no]logicals, [no]symbols. /[no]free Interprets Fortran source files in the specified form. /iface:keyword Specifies the calling conventions to be used. Keywords are [no]mixed_str_len_arg and one of cref, default, stdref. /imsl Automatically adds any libraries necessary to link against the IMSL math library /[no]include:dir Defines the directories in which the compiler searches for INCLUDE files. /[no]inline[:keyword] Allow user-control over inlining. Keyword is all, none, manual, size, speed. /[no]intconstant Use Compaq Fortran 77 semantics, rather than Compaq Fortran 90, to determine kind of integer constants. /integer_size:size Specifies the default size of integer and logical variables. Valid sizes are: 16, 32, 64. /[no]libdir:keyword Controls the library names that should be emitted into the object file. Keywords are all, none, [no]automatic, [no]user. /libs[:keyword] Determines the default libraries to be linked against. Keyword is dll, qwin, qwins, static. /[no]list[:filename] Creates a listing file. /[no]machine_code Includes a machine-language representation of the compiled code if a listing is generated. /[no]map[:filename] Specifies that a link map file should be generated. /math_library:keyword Specifies the math library routines to use. Keyword on IA32 is check, fast. Ignored on IA64. /[no]module[:path] Specifies path where mod files should be placed and first location to look for mod files. /names:keyword Specifies how source code identifiers and external names are interpreted. Keyword is as_is, lowercase, uppercase. /[no]object[:filename] Specifies the name of the object file. /[no]optimize[:keyword] Specifies the optimization level. Keyword is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 /[no]pad_source Specifies that fixed form source records are padded out to the statement field width with blanks. /[no]pdbfile[:filename] Specifies that any debug related information should be generated to a program database file. /[no]pipeline Enables software pipelining optimization. IA64 only. /real_size:size Specifies the size of REAL and COMPLEX declarations, constants, functions, and intrinsics. Size is 32, 64. /[no]recursive Compiles all procedures for possible recursive execution. /[no]reentrancy:keyword Specifies whether the threaded, reentrant run-time support should be used. Keyword is none, threaded. /rounding_mode:keyword Specifies how to round results of calculations. Keyword is chopped, dynamic, minus_infinity, nearest. IA64 only. /[no]show:keyword Includes information in a listing. Keywords are [no]code, [no]include, [no]map. /source:filename Specifies that the file indicated should be processed as a Fortran source file. /stand:keyword Specifies level of conformance with ANSI standard to check for. Keyword is f90, f95, none. /[no]static Causes all local variables to be statically allocated. /[no]syntax_only Checks syntax only. /[no]threads Specifies whether or not multi-threaded libraries should be linked against. /[no]traceback Specifies whether the compiler generates PC correlation data used to display a symbolic traceback rather than a hexidecimal traceback at runtime failure. /[no]transform_loops Specifies that the loop transformation specific array optimizations be performed. /tune:keyword Selects processor-specific instruction tuning. On IA32, keyword is generic, host, pn1, pn2, pn3, pn4, k6, k6_2, and k7. The latter three support AMD CPUs. This switch is ignored on IA64. /unroll:count Specifies how may times loops are unrolled. /[no]vms Causes the run-time system to provide certain functions like VAX FORTRAN. /[no]warn:keyword Specifies the level of warning messages issued. Keywords are [no]alignments, [no]argument_checking, [no]declarations, [no]errors, [no]fileopt, [no]general, [no]ignore_loc, [no]stderrors, [no]truncated_source, [no]uncalled, [no]uninitialized, [no]unused, [no]usage. /nowarn Suppresses all warning messages. /winapp Specifies building windows application and links against required libraries. Miscellaneous Options /compile_only Does not invoke the linker. /extlnk:ext Specifies file extensions to be processed by the linker. /fpp:"options" Specifies options to be passed, as-is, to the preprocessor. Type the command "FPP /HELP" for information on preprocessor options. /help,/? Displays information about the f77 command. /keep Does not remove intermediate files. /[no]link Precedes all linker options, which are passed, as-is, to the linker. If [no] is specified, does not invoke the linker. /[no]logo Suppresses the copyright notice displayed when the compiler starts. /[no]watch:keyword Determines the status information to be displayed. Keywords are all, none, [no]cmd, [no]source. /what Displays the version number and file name of the compiler. Preprocessor Options /comments Outputs C-style comments to the explicit output file. /define:symbol Defines symbol to the fpp preprocessor. /extfpp:ext Specifies file extensions to be preprocessed. /include:dir Defines the directories in which fpp searches for #include files. /preprocess_only Does not output line control information. /undefine:symbol Removes any initial definition of symbol. Many of the options supported by the Powerstation V4 compiler are supported by the Compaq Fortran compiler. Specific f77 Driver Default Options -altparam -f77rtl -fpconstant -intconstant -optimize:4