Read Me First: Visual Fortran Reporter This file introduces you to Visual Fortran Reporter, a tool that automates and simplifies reporting suspected problems or sending suggestions to the Visual Fortran team. To use a frame version of this file, open vfrframe.htm. Information about Visual Fortran Reporter includes: o Installing and Removing Visual Fortran Reporter o Using Visual Fortran Reporter o Additional details about Visual Fortran Reporter, which include: + Security Notes + System Information Notes + Notes on Saving Files + Notes on Mailing Files For any issues or questions about Visual Fortran Reporter (VF Reporter), please send mail to If you are not reading this file in a Web browser, you can use a Web browser to open this file on a local disk where Visual Fortran has been installed: o Start your Web browser o From the File menu, click Open or Open Page o Click the Browse or Choose File button o Locate the disk and directory where Visual Fortran was installed: Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Df98\VFRPORTR o Double-click the Readme.htm file o Click on the underlined links to the desired information