Additional Details about Visual Fortran Reporter

This section contains detailed notes about VF Reporter not covered in other sections:

Security Notes

There is no hidden information. You have several opportunities to view and screen all of the information that was collected and which will be mailed. It is your responsibility to assure that no sensitive information is compromised.

You can click the System Information button to view all of the information that was collected. Any tab that could contain sensitive information has a box that you can check to avoid having that information included in the text file that is sent to the development team. The final file that is created is a text file that you can peruse prior to mailing it. The associated Zip file that contains the files that you chose to "attach" can be opened and manipulated with most common zip utilities. The operating system product ID, which is the Registration number/license for the operating system, is intentionally not collected and therefore not compromised by this utility.

For instructions about using VF Reporter, see Using VF Reporter.

System Information Notes

On the User Information dialog box is a button entitled "System Information", which displays a different set of tabs related to system information. These tabs contain all of the information that was collected about your machine and environment. Any tab that contains information that you may not want to send with the report has a check box that will stop it from being included in the report. The tabs are as follows:

Notes on Saving Files

When you click the Save button, a text file is created. The text file is very similar to the file "BUGREPRT.TXT" which is found in the root directory of the Visual Fortran CD and the base directory that was selected for the installation of Visual Fortran. Unlike the BUGREPRT.TXT file, VF Reporter omits some of the extraneous instructions and appends the gathered information to the bottom of the file in "ini" file format.

If you have selected files to attach, a zip file is also created. The zip file contains the text file described above and all other files that you selected to include. The zip file is compatible with most zip utilities.

You should feel free to inspect the files to make sure the information included is exactly what you want the Visual Fortran Team to see.

The name and complete path of files are displayed when they are created.

All of the information in the "User" tab is saved in the user's area in the registry. It is optionally used the next time VF Reporter is started. When it is started the name entered previously is displayed and you may optionally have all of the previously entered user information filled in or start with a blank "User" tab.

For instructions about using VF Reporter, see Using VF Reporter.

Notes on Mailing Files

The ability to mail files relies upon the Microsoft MAPI control. The availability of a MAPI compliant mail client is determined by attempting to load Mapi32.dll. A failure to load that file indicates that the MAPI session will not succeed. Consequently the Mail button is grayed out and a message is displayed. If the Mapi32.dll is found and subsequently there is a failure to initiate a session a message is displayed. The mail button is not grayed out allowing you to retry if an incorrect Id or password caused the error.

If a problem is encountered, the name of the report file and the name of the zip file, if you attached files, are put on the clipboard so that you can simply paste the names when manually mailing the files to Compaq.

To manually e-mail your report to Compaq:

  1. In your e-mail software, start a new message to be sent to:
  2. Enter a meaningful subject for the message (such as the software component that might be causing the problem).
  3. Either attach the text file you have saved (by default, it is in Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Df98\VFRPORTR\VFmail) or copy the contents of the file into your message.
  4. Attach to the e-mail message the zip file contains the files you specified in the Attach Files tab of the User Information dialog box.
  5. Send the message.

For instructions about using VF Reporter, see Using VF Reporter.

Installing/Removing | Using |Additional details |