Installing and Removing Visual Fortran Reporter

The Visual Fortran (VF) Reporter tool is an automated, simple e-mail tool for reporting suspected problems or sending suggestions to the Visual Fortran team. VF Reporter is compatible with Windows 2000, Windows NT 4, Windows 98, and Windows 95.

You automatically install VF Reporter when you install Visual Fortran Version 6.5 (or later). When installed, VF Reporter files are copied into:

 Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Df98\VFRPORTR
 Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Df98\VFRPORTR\Vfmail

When you remove Visual Fortran, VF Reporter is also removed.

To begin using VF Reporter, click VF Reporter in the Compaq Visual Fortran program folder.

VF Reporter automatically gathers system information, including the product identifier, version number, path information, and other system information.

Installing/Removing| Using |Additional details |