Invokes the Compaq Visual Fortran Module Wizard. modwiz [options] typeinfo-name Options: /clsid Specifies that the typeinfo-name is a CLSID. If the CLSID registry entry has a Typelib subkey, the type library is used. Otherwise the type library is requested from the server executable file. /components:filename Specifies a file that contains names of the components to use (with or without the preceding typename). The default is all components in the type library. /kind:{auto|com|dll} Specifies the kind of type information to use. The default is COM. /lcid:localeid Specifies the locale id of the type information. The value must be an integer or hex (preceded by "0x", for example 0x409) constant. Used only when /clsid or /progid is specified and there is a Typelib subkey. The default is to try, in order, user default-locale identifier, user primary language, neutral, US English. /module:name Specifies the name of the module to be created. The default is the filename of the type information. /source:filename Specifies the name of the source file to be generated. The default is the filename of the type information with the .f90 extension. /progid Specifies that the typeinfo-name is a PROGID (programmatic identifier). The PROGID is converted to a CLSID. If the CLSID registry entry has a Typelib subkey, the type library is used. Otherwise the type library is requested from the server executable file. /version:x.y Specifies the version of the type library. Used only when /clsid or /progid is specified and there is a Typelib subkey. The default is the highest registered version. /what Displays version information. /? or /help Displays this help text. Typeinfo-name: If /clsid is specified, this is the string version of the CLSID, for example, "{EF56FF60-4C14-11d4-B718-009000048B90}". If /progid is specified, this is the registered name of the class, for example, "Word.Document". Otherwise, this is the file specification of the file that contains the type library. If the type library is a resource of the file, by default, the type library is extracted from the first resource of type ITypeLib. To load a different type library resource, append an integer index to the file specification, for example, "C:\MyDLLs\Fortran1.dll\2".