This file describes various files in this directory tree. ...\MISC\CTEST.EXE This program may be renamed to "WHICH.EXE" and placed somewhere on a users PATH to perform the function of the Unix "which" command. ...\MISC\WHAT.EXE This program will scan a binary file for Unix style "what" strings and display any that are found. The DECFOR90.EXE may be used as an example of a file that contains these "what strings". ...\MISC\STRSUB.EXE This program will process a text file and replace all occurences of a given string with another string. ...\MISC\FIXMSTAB.EXE This program converts Fortran source code that uses Microsoft style tab rules to follow Digital Fortran standard TAB rules. ...\MISC\CBANLC.EXE This program analyzes object and library files for inconsistencies in Fortran COMMON blocks that can lead to LINK errors and program failures. For instance, this tool will tell you if you have declared two COMMON blocks of the same name that have different sizes. Note that because of performance considerations, a COMMON block whose size is less than 8 bytes is reported to have a size of 8 bytes. This may cause inconsistencies in small COMMON blocks to not be reported. ...\MISC\CBANLW.EXE A Windows version of the above CBANL tool. ...\MISC\WIN95\EC.EXE This program may be used on a Windows 95 system to capture stderr output. It executes a command line after parsing and removing Windows NT compatible redirection symbols. ...\MISC\LOADTEST.EXE This program can be used to try a test load on a DLL that might be loaded later by some program using the LoadLibrary() API (such as used by Visual Basic). It will try to load the DLL and report all other DLLs that are used in the process. Optionally it will lookup entry points in the loaded DLL using names passed in on the command line. All errors are reported. ...\RUNTIME\VFRUN650I.EXE and ...\RUNTIME\VFRUN650A.EXE This self-installing executable kit installs the run-time components needed to run Visual Fortran applications on X86 and AXP systems respectively which do not have Visual Fortran installed. ...\RUNTIME\DAV-X86-150.EXE and ...\RUNTIME\DAV-AXP-150.EXE This demonstration package includes the Array Viewer, Avis2D ActiveX control, and a sample file. The Array Viewer Demo can display AGL (Array Visualizer's native format) files written by an Array Visualizer user; it can also display HDF files. The package, including the ActiveX controls, is also used when distributing applications which make use of the Avis2D control to users who do not have the full Array Visualizer kit installed.