DISPEC is a program for analysis of infrared spectroscopy data. The file 'hw_dispec.sav' is an IDL binary file: In order to run the program, once requires either ENVI, IDL or the IDL virtual machine (www.harrisgeospatial.com). Adding the files to ENVI can be done in two ways: 1) Copy the .sav file into the ENVI save_add directory, which can be found in the ENVI program directory. Restart ENVI to load the new files. This requires write permission to the program directory - if this is not possible, go for option 2. 2) Copy the .sav file to any place on a disk that can be accessed from your computer. Edit the ENVI system preferences (menu: file - preferences) and go to tab 'default directories'. On this tab, point the location of the save_add directory to the directory containing the .sav files. Harald van der Werff ITC-UT, 2018